Based on preliminary analysis, yesterday, Australia recorded its hottest day on record. The nationally-averaged maximum daytime…

IFTTT, Twitter, BOM_au


How to beat #Section144 - Stand in groups of 3 about 50 paces apart. Don’t interact between groups. Don’t shout slogans. Just…

IFTTT, Twitter, TheSphinxSpeaks


Preliminary results suggest that the 17th December was Australia’s hottest day on record at 40.9 ºC, with the average maximum…

IFTTT, Twitter, BOM_au


My favourite current example of misunderstood phrases is this: “A jack-of-all-trades is a master of none” …has a second line,…

IFTTT, Twitter, willsh


Now that I am retired, I just about only use Lisp languages (Hy (hylang) for deep learning and using other useful Python…

IFTTT, Twitter, mark_l_watson


We need an agonizing reappraisal of our own uselessness and the causes and origins of our collective uselessness if we are to be…

IFTTT, Twitter, leashless


One storyline of 2019 is creeping authoritarianism. Another is people power. Major protests this year in Hong Kong, Lebanon,…

IFTTT, Twitter, michaelcrowley


How the Fossil Fuel Industry Is Attempting to Buy the Youth Climate Movement


Excerpt from this story from The Intercept:

CEOs from fossil fuel corporations including BP, Royal Dutch Shell, and Norway’s Equinor were attending the annual gathering of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative in New York, which includes industry leaders who claim to be committed to taking “practical” action on climate change. On the agenda for lunch was to “explore options for long-term engagement” with young people the industry could trust. Student Energy, a nonprofit based in Alberta, near Canada’s tar sands region, helped organize the event, which included time for students to grill the CEOs about their inaction on climate change.

Tension in the room was high, Student Energy’s executive director, 30-year-old Meredith Adler, told The Intercept. “The whole discussion started off with one of our participants talking about why youth don’t trust oil and gas companies,” she said. But by the end of the meeting, Adler tweeted that she was “very impressed” with OGCI. “I don’t feel they had all the answers or strong enough answers but they are really listening,” she wrote.

The students’ questions may have been tough, but the event was great PR for the fossil fuel industry. Gone are the days when CEOs openly questioned the existence of climate change. Today, industry leaders are feigning a sense of climate urgency while pushing forward proposals for climate action that will allow companies to keep harvesting carbon-emitting products well into the future. Subjecting themselves to a cohort of skeptical students was an opportunity for oil and gas executives to boost their credibility in an era when many young activists will only engage with them with picket signs.

Young activists say they’re seeing more of this “youth-washing” as the global youth climate movement gains momentum, including at the U.N. annual climate conference, known as COP 25, which is wrapping up in Madrid this week. With “youth” becoming synonymous with climate action, corporations and politicians are increasingly using young people to portray themselves as climate serious.

How the Fossil Fuel Industry Is Attempting to Buy the Youth Climate Movement

Villains or visionaries? Hedge funds short companies they say ‘greenwash’


If you know what short selling is, then this article will interest you and surprise you. Short selling is an investment technique. For example, assume Company X is selling a pharmaceutical drug that allegedly cures some disease (name it). Word is out that the drug isn’t as effective as promised, although Company X and its tribe of supporters are controlling the narrative. Most of us think Company X is doing great. Assume its stock is selling for $100, but the short sellers believe that it is way overvalued. So, the short seller borrows 1000 shares from any shareholder, then sells those shares and realizes $100,000 ($100 per share times 1,000 shares). The short seller waits, and sure enough, doubts creep into the market and the stock drops to $40 by the time the short seller is required to return the shares to the original lending shareholder. The short seller buys the shares at $40, for an aggregate of 450,000. Short seller has made $60,000 profit on the transaction. Short seller sold the shares she/he borrowed for $100,000, but only had to spent $40,000 to buy them back. Bingo!

This article tells us that some short sellers are out there, hunting for companies who may be green-washing, or touting ESG values (environmental, social and governance) that are overblown. Once the market realizes that some of these companies are full of ESG shit or are green-washing, then they pounce.

Excerpt from this story from Reuters:

Tens of trillions of global investment dollars are pouring into companies touting robust environmental, social and governance credentials. Now short-sellers spy an opportunity.

Such hedge funds, often cast as villains of the piece because they bet against share prices, scent a profit from company valuations they believe are unduly inflated by ESG promises or which they say ignore risks that threaten to undermine the company’s prospects.

Investments defined as “sustainable” account for more than a quarter of all assets under management globally, according to the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance. About $31 trillion has been invested, buoyed by analyst reports that show companies with strong ESG narratives outperform their peers.

Some short-sellers, including Carson Block of Muddy Waters, Josh Strauss of Appleseed Capital and Chad Slater of Morphic Asset Management, argue share prices can be bolstered by corporate misrepresentation about sustainability, or so-called “greenwashing”.

“Greenwashing is absolutely rampant now,” says Slater, whose fund bets on both rising and falling share prices. If companies fail to engage with long-term investors, he sees a red flag.

“From the short side, it’s quite interesting.”

Villains or visionaries? Hedge funds short companies they say ‘greenwash’

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“This animation is visualising the changes in yugoslav internet infrastructure between May 1st and 10th 1999 according to the…

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  1. Reality is not a game. 2. Evolution & general intelligence are not really game-theoretic. 3. The mind is not a machine. 4….

IFTTT, Twitter, AE_Robbert
