‘The dinosaurs never die outright, and the new age of abundance never quite gains its inviolable foothold. The future just keeps…

IFTTT, Twitter, justinpickard

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“En 1942, l’océanographe et géophysicien Athelstan Frederick Spilhaus d’origine sud-africaine, réalise une carte fascinante….

maps, cartography, sea, ocean, world ocean, Athelstan Frederick Spilhaus, 1942

“En 1942, l'océanographe et géophysicien Athelstan Frederick Spilhaus d'origine sud-africaine, réalise une carte fascinante. Les régions marines sont représentées au centre du monde. Une immense mer intérieure (un peu plus de 70% de la surface de la Terre) apparait sous nos yeux. Rappelons tout de même que l'Océan mondial génère plus de 60% des services écosystémiques qui nous permettent de vivre, à commencer par la production de la majeure partie de l'oxygène que nous respirons. Cette carte est ainsi toute symbolique de l'importance des mers. Afin de réaliser celle-ci l'auteur utilise les principes des deux projections suivantes. La projection de Ernst Hammer et celle d’August Heinrich Petermann (co-auteur avec Hermann Berghaus et Carl Vogel de l'Atlas Stieler). Le résultat est une projection interrompue dans laquelle les océans forment une unité. C'est à la fois génial et totalement déroutant. La déformation est telle que le continent américain et asiatique sont completement écartelés. L'Europe, l'Afrique et l'Asie du Sud-Est concervent en revanche une forme cohérente.“


RT @bruces: *Tomorrow’s future-shock is not that we’re swanning around all posthuman. It’s that the planet’s ecosystems are…

IFTTT, Twitter, prepaid_africa

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what is an object? Philosophers are always saying, “Well, just take a chair for example.” The moment they say that, you know…

Feynman, objects, physics, philopsophy, OOO, aproximation, idealization, 1963

“what is an object? Philosophers are always saying, “Well, just take a chair for example.” The moment they say that, you know that they do not know what they are talking about any more. What is a chair? Well, a chair is a certain thing over there … certain?, how certain? The atoms are evaporating from it from time to time—not many atoms, but a few—dirt falls on it and gets dissolved in the paint; so to define a chair precisely, to say exactly which atoms are chair, and which atoms are air, or which atoms are dirt, or which atoms are paint that belongs to the chair is impossible. So the mass of a chair can be defined only approximately. In the same way, to define the mass of a single object is impossible, because there are not any single, left-alone objects in the world—every object is a mixture of a lot of things, so we can deal with it only as a series of approximations and idealizations.”

Richard Feynman,The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. I Ch. 12

if you could accurately predict fMRI activity for a given image+person, maybe you could synthesize images that induce a specific…

IFTTT, Twitter, kcimc

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One of the world’s leading plasma physicists, Anthony Peratt, not too long ago declassified his discovery that he could…

IFTTT, Twitter, controscience

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One of the world’s most haunting ruined places is the ghost town of Kolmanskop, in the desert of Southern Namibia. Once a…

IFTTT, Twitter, PaulMMCooper

(via http://twitter.com/PaulMMCooper/status/1039546188377346048)

My central preoccupation has always been coping. How do sentient beings cope and how could they cope better? That’s led me to an…

IFTTT, Twitter, openhandthought

(via http://twitter.com/openhandthought/status/1038891401537355778)

Fluid dynamics often play out on a scale that’s difficult to appreciate from our earthbound perspective, but fortunately, we…


Fluid dynamics often play out on a scale that’s difficult to appreciate from our earthbound perspective, but fortunately, we have tools to aid us. This natural-color satellite image shows Rupert Bay in Quebec, where fresh water stained with sediments and organic matter (right) flows into the saltier water of James Bay (left). White filaments at the edges of these mixing regions are likely foam floating atop the water. The turbulence caused at the intersection of the two bodies of water whips up organic films to form bubbles. The white on the far left of the image is ice chunks still floating in James Bay when the image was taken in early June. Click through to admire the high-resolution version. (Image credit: U.S. Geological Survey; via NASA Earth Observatory)

The water in your body is just visiting. It was a thunderstorm a week ago. It will be the ocean soon enough. Most of your cells…

IFTTT, Twitter, CryptoNature

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Your blood is red because of the iron you inherited from the Earth. You need the iron to help bind the oxygen you receive from…

IFTTT, Twitter, CryptoNature

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Reza Negarestani’s Cyclonopedia oscillates between a strange theory-fiction exploring oil as a sentient entity and ‘lubricant’…

IFTTT, Twitter, MrPrudence

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in the age of algorithmic desires, art becomes geology. it is not memory or computation. it becomes an identity with no…

IFTTT, Twitter, fadesingh

(via http://twitter.com/fadesingh/status/1036688993902120962)

Today I used Wikipedia’s OAbot to add a link to an #OA version of an article cited on the “Greenland shark” page. The OAbot…

IFTTT, Twitter, anewlibrarian

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My essay ‘The Algorithmic Writing of Stones: A Cybernetics of Geology’, published in SubStance Journal, is now online:…

IFTTT, Twitter, MrPrudence

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Computer vision to see around corners; LHC detects Higgs boson decay; dark matter debate heats up anew, and more. Cocktail Party…

IFTTT, Twitter, JenLucPiquant

(via http://twitter.com/JenLucPiquant/status/1035905711266394112)

It’s oddly reminding me of robotics, which is getting much richer control loops. "Well, we assumed X…we got Y…can we…

IFTTT, Twitter, dakami

(via http://twitter.com/dakami/status/1034674600733433856)

Civilization: a stage of evolution that begins when a species first makes a pocket out of some kind of dough, stuffs it with…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr

(via http://twitter.com/vgr/status/1034228314603278336)

For the first time, all the international bubbles of @_foam are coming together for a single open studio event, with guest…

IFTTT, Twitter, _foam

(via http://twitter.com/_foam/status/1034432697693818880)

A political compass for weird theory Twitter: UPWING H 🚀⏭ l 👽🤖 A U 🌐🌆 l 🐌🌀 N M ————— T A 🦉🍖 l 🍄🐙 I N 🌾🌱 l 🌲🌋 - …

IFTTT, Twitter, thewastedworld

(via http://twitter.com/thewastedworld/status/1033589749406003200)

Answers to FAQs: 1) Yes, the sun’s output varies slightly 2) Yes, the climate has changed before 3) Yes, we’ve considered that…

IFTTT, Twitter, ed_hawkins

(via http://twitter.com/ed_hawkins/status/1033023116476342272)

’Kalashnikov has been looking to take its brand in different directions and recently launched a clothing line and a catalogue of…

IFTTT, Twitter, justinpickard

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This is Australia’s climate barcode 1910–2017. The darkest blue is the coldest year, the darkest red the warmest. If there was…

IFTTT, Twitter, stephdaborn

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Right up until the 1980s there was a British Atomic Gardening society, who would expose seeds to radiation to generate amazing…

IFTTT, Twitter, Botanygeek

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Members of Special Forces Cavalry—one of them with a snake around his neck—walk in front of Paraguay’s new president during a…

IFTTT, Twitter, justinpickard

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The next @_foam/@edenproject Invisible Worlds residency begins 2 Sept: ’…and then we see if we will be friends’ by Katharina…

IFTTT, Twitter, _foam

(via http://twitter.com/_foam/status/1031116666120359937)

A space ship landed. An alien emerged. “Greetings,” it said, “do you have a leader?” “We have many.” “Then I will wait.” "For…

IFTTT, Twitter, MicroSFF

(via http://twitter.com/MicroSFF/status/1029416452087050240)

All imagined futures lacking recognition of anthropogenic climate-change will increasingly seem absurdly shortsighted. Virtually…

IFTTT, Twitter, GreatDismal

(via http://twitter.com/GreatDismal/status/1030655297633697792)

“if just one unorganized voting segment, the 60 million bird-watchers of America, sent a unified political message this fall,…

IFTTT, Twitter, SachaSpector

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Treat yourself with the gift of #boredom! In this week’s #BrainMatters in @TheNationalUAE, I discuss recent research in…

IFTTT, Twitter, oullier

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