IFTTT, Twitter, johannes_mono


Reductions in air pollution due to COVID–19 in China have probably saved 20x the number of lives than have so far been lost to…

IFTTT, Twitter, MarshallBBurke


I’m developing a new theory that ‘Cyclonopedia’ and ‘Intelligence & Spirit’ are parts 1 and 2 of a long-winded argument, at the…

IFTTT, Twitter, xenogothic


“To protect business, you must not go to work.” Keep it up coronavirus. You’re creating a gigantic general strike. As a matter…

IFTTT, Twitter, the_eco_thought


The efficiency of Taiwan and Korea’s responses vs. the U.S., Japan, China and Iran suggest that democracies and autocracies both…

IFTTT, Twitter, Noahpinion


Far from the city, where the Milky Way shines in the night sky, she met an alien from a distant star. "Why are you here, so far…

IFTTT, Twitter, MicroSFF


Just blocked a few who discuss this virus in terms of “predicting” & track record, as Phil the rat @PTetlock & others in the…

IFTTT, Twitter, nntaleb


Ballard’s best self-quarantine stories (imho): “Having a Wonderful Time”: tourists trapped o/s, can’t go home; they love it “The…

IFTTT, Twitter, simon_sellars


In FKA Twigs’ “Cellophane”, a male voice is mimicking the hi-hat line. In Billie Eilish’s “Bad Guy”, the hi-hat line is actually…

IFTTT, Twitter, Macroscopist


In 1665, Cambridge University closed b/c of the plague. Issac Newton quarantined himself at his childhood home. It was the most…

IFTTT, Twitter, William_Blake


dirt-cheap hardware, abundant solar energy, censorship-resistant domains and p2p storage solutions will soon combine, ensuring…

IFTTT, Twitter, tobyshorin


A public who can imagine a better future, or understand the present in the context of history, is bad for the kleptocrats. Which…

IFTTT, Twitter, cstross


Remember when it was hard to accept that non-humans, like microbes, could be full fledged actors -actants rather- able to build…

IFTTT, Twitter, BrunoLatourAIME


Modern West: "So many occultists and spiritualists have struggles with mental issues. It makes the whole ‘magic’ thing very…

IFTTT, Twitter, EimiBerenike


“Hyper-accumulating” plants draw metal from the ground, producing rich, multi-colored saps that can be more concentrated than…

IFTTT, Twitter, geoffmanaugh


There are two types of people: those who like their nuclear waste site warnings as giant collections of menacing concrete…

IFTTT, Twitter, sevensixfive


The health and safety of our customers and crew is a priority for Singapore Airlines and SilkAir. In view of the Covid–19…

Singapore Airlines, SIA, COVID-19, health and safety, pandemic, preparedness, public health, 2020

The health and safety of our customers and crew is a priority for Singapore Airlines and SilkAir. In view of the Covid–19 outbreak, we would like to share with you the enhanced cleaning and precautionary measures that we have instituted on board our aircraft.

All SIA and SilkAir aircraft already undergo a thorough cleaning process when on the ground. In addition, all flights arriving from Mainland China undergo disinfectant fogging. Common surfaces such as tray tables, handsets, and inflight entertainment screens are cleaned with disinfectant wipes. We also remove all headsets, headrest covers, pillow covers, bedsheets, and blankets after every flight sector.
The air filtration systems in our aircraft are equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters, which have a similar performance to those used in hospital operation rooms. Constant airflow also ensures that the cabin air is refreshed every two to three minutes.

During this period, you may also notice that there have been changes to our in-flight services. These include the replacement of the hot towel service with pre-set wet towelettes, cessation of the after take-off drink service, removal of reading materials from seat-back pockets, and suspension of in-flight sales.

Pre-flight temperature screening for all cabin crew and pilots operating out of Singapore has been in place since 29 January 2020. Our crew also know that they should see a doctor immediately if they feel unwell and should not report for work.

Thank you for your support. We wish you good health and look forward to welcoming you on board soon.

Singapore Airlines           

Things that happen in Econ that would be odd in other sciences: "The Kavli Institute, a privately funded physics think tank…

IFTTT, Twitter, infotranecon


A graviton near or at its ground state would be super spread out, right? It’s cold in space, mostly. I believe the universe is a…

IFTTT, Twitter, the_eco_thought


Think I’m making shit up? One of the most popular apps in S. Korea right now is one that alerts you if you’re close to one of…

IFTTT, Twitter, Spainkiller


The Coronavirus Chronicles keep getting weirder and weirder. You’ve probably heard about the sudden outbreak of the virus in…

IFTTT, Twitter, Spainkiller


If good software is easy to change, and bad software is hard to change, the limit of any software with sufficient development…

IFTTT, Twitter, halvarflake


sources of inconsistency: (1) GR is nonrenormalizable AND its short distance (high energy) structure is plagued with diseases…

IFTTT, Twitter, litgenstein


My own initial reaction to gpt2 helps me understand why pre-modern tribes reacted to being filmed and shown the footage like the…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


I’m glad @quinnnorton finally put this out: I was and am one of those friends, and it was horrifying to…

IFTTT, Twitter, Dymaxion


its pretty cool that we live in a world where we need acousticians to make rooms sound good but not the equivalent for light…

IFTTT, Twitter, bcrypt


How can we stop pandemics? Pandemic Math explains: Turn rapid exponential growth to rapid exponential decline. Change the…

IFTTT, Twitter, yaneerbaryam


The Hopf Fibration Unfolding the hypersphere (S3) to fill all of 3D space via stereographic projection. The fibers shown here…

IFTTT, Twitter, 3Dmattias


“That’s what the world is. The world is not an unsolved problem for scientists or sociologists. The world is a living mystery:…


“That’s what the world is. The world is not an unsolved problem for scientists or sociologists. The world is a living mystery: our birth, our death, our being in the moment – these are mysteries. They are doorways opening on to unimaginable vistas of self-exploration, empowerment and hope for the human enterprise.”

— Terence McKenna