““It is important that we recognise that screens are a modern way of being,” he said. “Reading we see as a hugely positive…


““It is important that we recognise that screens are a modern way of being,” he said. “Reading we see as a hugely positive thing, but it is largely a sedentary thing. We have never done studies to look at the link between reading and adiposity [being overweight] but it is sedentary [lifestyle]. Five hundred years ago we thought it was bad for women’s brains to teach them to read. Reading and pamphlets have radicalised a lot more young people than screens have ever done. Yet we somehow worry about screens being different.””

Screen time not intrinsically bad for children, say doctors

A project I have coming up: UNDER FIVE TREES. Five site-specific installations and audio narratives at the Esplanade Park,…

IFTTT, Twitter, gonetopersia

(via http://twitter.com/gonetopersia/status/1080742681716768768)

"There is something crazy about a culture in which the value of beauty becomes controversial. It is crazy not to celebrate…

IFTTT, Twitter, weirdstudies

(via http://twitter.com/weirdstudies/status/1080577294375313408)

Trying something inspired by @jeremyzilar idea of unfollowing everybody and rebuilding deliberately. Mine is less extreme. I…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr

(via http://twitter.com/vgr/status/1080317108578209792)

“Most displays are looking to play things faster. We’ve got movies at 60 frames per second, and gaming displays that run at 144…

VSMP, time, perception, slow media, Bryan Boyer, film, 2018

video link

“Most displays are looking to play things faster. We’ve got movies at 60 frames per second, and gaming displays that run at 144 fps. But what about moving in the other direction? [Bryan Boyer] wanted to try this out, so he built the VSMP, or Very Slow Movie Player. It’s a neat device that plays back a movie at about 24 fph (frames per hour) on an e-ink display to demonstrate something that [Bryan] calls Slow Seeing, which, he says “helps you see yourself against the smear of time.” A traditional epic-length movie is now going to run you greater than 8,000 hours of viewing.“


The belief that a great artist must also be a great (or at least acceptable) person is an infuriatingly stubborn fallacy. My…

IFTTT, Twitter, weirdstudies

(via http://twitter.com/weirdstudies/status/1079377299957579778)

My kind of thinking “infects” healthy thinking like a parasite that won’t go away 😎 All 4 horsepeople troll rationality with a…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr

(via http://twitter.com/vgr/status/1079473511444316160)

Love to all those pushing algorithmic patterns and DSP forward in 2018, let’s keep it alien and broken in 2019, embrace error,…

IFTTT, Twitter, algorave

(via http://twitter.com/algorave/status/1078955780093763584)

Your hopeful stories, music, movies, comics, whatever, will all be better, more powerful, and more precise for having considered…

IFTTT, Twitter, austin_walker

(via http://twitter.com/austin_walker/status/1079155867872825345)

This has been making the rounds for a few days, but I only read it now. It’s insidious shit. It uses the grief and horror we all…

IFTTT, Twitter, DoctorVive

(via http://twitter.com/DoctorVive/status/1079135749973381120)

mixing noise music with tech talk, otherwise hard to handle… really enjoying my bandcamp add-on volume fader… morning lecture…

IFTTT, Twitter, poemproducer

(via http://twitter.com/poemproducer/status/1078923620934733825)

https://t.co/MLm1HyUs5v "I’ve been trying to figure out why the removal of the headphone port bugs me more than other…

IFTTT, Twitter, dakami

(via http://twitter.com/dakami/status/1078462698143150080)

Post-capitalism challenge is to invent a way to do 3 things at once: a) keep pace of economic life as fast as it needs to be via…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr

(via http://twitter.com/vgr/status/1077666993786912769)

‘Unrestrained craving for explanation makes us seek what is uniform so intensely that we pay no attention to what is different.’…

IFTTT, Twitter, PeterSjostedtH

(via http://twitter.com/PeterSjostedtH/status/1077707977128321024)

Similar to Chemistry making Alchemy rigorous, Divination could be resurrected as a discipline but take on a highly scientific…

IFTTT, Twitter, karpathy

(via http://twitter.com/karpathy/status/1076927879995285504)

This artwork sold for 1 milli satoshi ( $0.000000037 ) via a #bitcoin lightning payment and set a record of being the cheapest…

IFTTT, Twitter, ArminVanBitcoin

(via http://twitter.com/ArminVanBitcoin/status/1076047965112938497)

Always-already Great Weirding “This is broken” “This is how it’s supposed to work” “This is a terrible bug” “It’s actually a…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr

(via http://twitter.com/vgr/status/1076233803629191169)

To some the shortest is Saroyan’s four-legged ‘m’ to others it’s Gillilan’s ‘Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes’, We know the…

IFTTT, Twitter, MrPrudence

(via http://twitter.com/MrPrudence/status/1076052888126976001)

Stuck in one of the first flight’s trying desperately to land in Gatwick whilst it’s fuel was running out made the fragility of…

IFTTT, Twitter, anabjain

(via http://twitter.com/anabjain/status/1076026708313210880)

By training neural networks with images of real fingerprints, researchers developed a way to generate fake fingerprints that can…


(via http://twitter.com/WIRED/status/1075640733472841728)