{2o13} the induction of sleep
{2o13} the induction of sleep
{2o13} the induction of sleep
“Key to the success of the spycam missions are the animatronic cameras cleverly disguised as lifesize penguins which can silently infiltrate the colonies to record the penguins’ often emotional, and sometimes amusing, behaviour.“
by (Jt) (via http://flic.kr/p/hiDqRA )
Burbank, Ca by Rinzi Ruiz [street zen] (via http://flic.kr/p/rSZd26 )
1042200 by Natan Vance (via http://flic.kr/p/AzEETx )
(via http://flic.kr/p/Bcczmy )
(via http://flic.kr/p/Azs4GA )
Brussels (via http://flic.kr/p/BdqwmB )
_ (via http://flic.kr/p/Azs2Go )
Requista #2 by 7erence (via http://flic.kr/p/f7osZm )
Pinisi Boat by Hengki Koentjoro (via http://flic.kr/p/B83Mfj )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/Aviun9 )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/AvittL )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/B6YoQd )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/Bag8K6 )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/Bag7yZ )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/B8573d )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/AviBUH )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/B9gLvv )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/Bag3gR )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/AcnSgV )
Celebrating rebirth by europeanspaceagency (via http://flic.kr/p/AmDSSX )
A supermassive black hole in action by europeanspaceagency (via http://flic.kr/p/B6GgyS )
ant by chriswoebken (via http://flic.kr/p/4pj1h1 )
GENERAL DYNAMICS (Astronautics) SPACE CARDS by Unkee E. (via http://flic.kr/p/by7up8 )
#308 The Oblong Box 2/3 by mugwump (via http://flic.kr/p/zKdo9C )
#312 by mugwump (via http://flic.kr/p/zUUnp7 )
Miniature by Jorge Daniel Segura (via http://flic.kr/p/96S1Pz )
by Fernan Federici (via http://flic.kr/p/ATnLwh )
Do-it-yourself CRISPR genome editing kits bring genetic engineering to your kitchen bench
CRISPR genome editing is one of the most significant, world-changing technologies of our era, allowing scientists to make incredibly precise cut n’ paste edits to the DNA of living organisms.
Palimpsest Asemic Correspondence by Cecil Touchon
Ink on antique (1920’s) Mexican Geography Journal
“As if responding to Leibniz—who once wrote that music is an “occult exercise in mathematics performed by a mind unconscious of the fact that it is counting”—Nietzsche pointed out that in areas like art, quantitative measures are simply inappropriate. “Assuming that one estimated the value of a piece of music according to how much of it could be counted, calculated, and expressed in formulas: how absurd would such a ‘scientific’ estimation of music be! What would one have comprehended, understood, grasped of it? Nothing, really nothing of what is ‘music’ in it!” he wrote.”
– Morozov, Evgeny. To Save Everything, Click Here: Technology, Solutionism and the Urge to Fix Problems That Don’t Exist. London: Allen Lane, 2013. (viacarvalhais)
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/B4G8fE )
stillness (via http://flic.kr/p/Aa4UcB )
_DSC8069 by aki*3 (via http://flic.kr/p/A9EQow )
_DSC7594 by aki*3 (via http://flic.kr/p/B7wK6e )
Tattoo Convention BXL2015©Frederik De Wilde-1-6 by frederik_de_wilde (via http://flic.kr/p/B5aMUD )
by hrdya samudra (via http://flic.kr/p/AZcCSY )
leaving mars by lars on mars (via http://flic.kr/p/AuGBiK )
201501111 (via http://flic.kr/p/B6qa9t )
201501110 (via http://flic.kr/p/A9wpXH )
201501109 (via http://flic.kr/p/AsrYpy )
201501108 (via http://flic.kr/p/B7pe9p )
Fractals - Dendrus Tenement Combined Transits by Allan1952 (via http://flic.kr/p/Aqz2ak )
by Apia.Lawreen (via http://flic.kr/p/AqChNu )
- Rule 1: Always have an escape plan
- Rule 2: Never get caught.
- Rule 3: Be aware of your surroundings.
- Rule 4: Always have a backup plan.
- Rule 5: Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.
- Rule 6: Trust your gut.
- Rule 7: Simple and light equals freedom, agility and mobility.
- Rule 8: KISS: Keep it simple, stupid.
- Rule 9: The solution is in the problem.
- Rule 10: Don’t become predictable.
- Rule 11: Never take the elevator.
- Rule 12: Act, don’t react.
Detail of one of Anj Smith’s new paintings ‘Faune’ (2015) which is part of her solo show 'Phosphor on the Palms’ @hauserwirth 23 Savile Row in London. It runs until 21 November. by frieze_magazine (via https://instagram.com/p/-B0-1HygOt/)
Ruigh na Traghad by Mark Rowell (via http://flic.kr/p/zTQvjA )
by (x)99. (via http://flic.kr/p/AovZ7R )
_ (via http://flic.kr/p/B29USB )
Singapore 1925-2025, Robert Zhao Renhui.
Gedhun Choekyi Nyima
On May 14, 1995, six-year-old Tibetan Gedhun Choekyi Nyima was named the 11th Panchen Lama by the 14th Dalai Lama. After his selection, he was detained by Chinese authorities; he has not been seen in public since May 17, 1995. China later named another child, Gyancain Norbu, as Panchen Lama, a choice that exiles claim is rejected by most Tibetan Buddhists.
China by aiww (via https://instagram.com/p/9_MpZqqDyq/)
The volcano series, 2012 Iceland. by studioolafureliasson (via https://instagram.com/p/9_Yr6ArRPQ/)
_ (via http://flic.kr/p/AHifBy )
_ (via http://flic.kr/p/AX5iru )
Izima Kaoru - Toyosu, Tokyo, Summer Solstice, 2009
by (ToT) Auriea (via http://flic.kr/p/fseaks )
IP(1) by Emma McNally1 (via http://flic.kr/p/AZ56HH )
201501107 (via http://flic.kr/p/AYSj6n )
201501105 (via http://flic.kr/p/AYSf44 )
201501104 (via http://flic.kr/p/AjVebw )
201501103 (via http://flic.kr/p/AnecS2 )
201501102 (via http://flic.kr/p/A1RpDY )
201501101 (via http://flic.kr/p/AFguqG )
filming_in_sint-baafs by (ToT) Auriea (via http://flic.kr/p/AVouKs )
_R158927.jpg by 林官賢 (via http://flic.kr/p/AjwTv2 )
At the City Museum by cuboctahedron (via http://flic.kr/p/AU9ZUJ )
Paul by cuboctahedron (via http://flic.kr/p/AWgrJK )
Istanbul Trip, 2015 by cuboctahedron (via http://flic.kr/p/zXDEua )
Local businesses in Crickhowell are turning the tables on the likes of Google and Starbucks by employing the same accountancy practices used by the world’s biggest companies, to move their entire town “offshore”. Advised by experts and followed by a BBC crew, family-run shops in the Brecon Beacons town have submitted their own DIY tax plan to HMRC, copying the offshore arrangements used by global brands which pay little or no corporation tax.
_0098680 by aki*3 (via http://flic.kr/p/zZBmwD )
woman on a sofa #17 by chrisfriel (via http://flic.kr/p/AEvRfA )
_ (via http://flic.kr/p/AVUF1X )
Cloud vortices by NASA Goddard Photo and Video (via http://flic.kr/p/Ak3wqQ )
Mars’ Moon Phobos is Slowly Falling Apart by NASA Goddard Photo and Video (via http://flic.kr/p/Ak59wz )
(via http://flic.kr/p/AVs9Qt )
(via http://flic.kr/p/Ahu1cM )
_-2 (via http://flic.kr/p/AWr7K8 )
_ (via http://flic.kr/p/AT9YeA )
Russell Haswell (via http://flic.kr/p/Ahf8ou )
Yasunao Tone (via http://flic.kr/p/AWc2nn )
(via http://flic.kr/p/AU28Tw )
QUAD SURROUND (via http://flic.kr/p/zYjpK2 )
(via http://flic.kr/p/AU26TE )
(via http://flic.kr/p/AheLYv )
Powell (via http://flic.kr/p/Ajx7BK )
Sue Tompkins (via http://flic.kr/p/zYaiCS )
_-2 (via http://flic.kr/p/Aha8Lc )
(via http://flic.kr/p/Aha7TR )
The GRACE satellites are a pair of twin observing devices that orbit the Earth 137 miles from one another. The Earth’s gravitational pull on the satellites varies depending upon the mass of what is below them at a particular time — a mountain, an ocean — and so by measuring slight perturbations in the distance between the two satellites, scientists detect these mass changes. But when does the Earth’s mass change in a significant way, one that would suggest an important anomaly? Mostly, this does not happen with the ground, rocks, mountains — at least not on human time scales. But water at the Earth’s surface moves around a great deal — California’s drought has been picked up by GRACE, as has dramatic melting of the glaciers of Alaska.