The Productive Surface

From the legacy of high modernism, an emphasis on form, technique, function and technology has dominated the representation of surface in architecture and landscape architecture. This emphasis has…

The Productive Surface

Wiki Home - Make Your Bot!

Make Your Bot is the home of the under $100 Mantis 3-axis CNC milling machine. The Mantis machines are part of the MIT Machines that Make project. This wiki provides all of the design files and…

Wiki Home - Make Your Bot!

Programming crowds

Both papers describe software that uses Amazon’s Mechanical Turk service to farm tasks out to human beings sitting at Internet-connected computers. The best-paper prize went to VizWiz, a cell-phone…

Programming crowds

The Utopia Experiment

“We live in strange times, caught between two opposing views of the future. On the one hand, the believers in technology and progress promise a world of ever increasing prosperity, a science-fiction…

The Utopia Experiment

The 64-degree poached eggs

Eggs cooked with an immersion circulator are not, strictly speaking, cooked sous vide, since they aren’t vacuum sealed. But they are an excellent candidate for the long-time/low-temperature approach…

The 64-degree poached eggs

Affinity Diagramming

Affinity diagramming is a participatory method where concepts written on cards are sorted into related groups and sub-groups. The original intent of affinity diagramming was to help diagnose…

Affinity Diagramming

All About Polymorphics

Simon Ramo’s concept of “polymorphic” computing is laid out in stop-motion animation, accompanied by acoustic guitar. The film anticipates parallel, distributed processing and the architecture of…

All About Polymorphics

The Milosevics

The text for “The Milosevics” is an exact transcript of telephone conversations among members of the Milosevic family that were recorded in 1997 by Croatian intelligence agents and released in…

The Milosevics


Ne-ton | That’s not the way to do business: Ne-ton (Non-tone) is an independent music label that focuses on free music in the broadest sense of the term. It encompasses various music genres such as:…


Animation « XVIVO

One of the best parts of XVIVO’s creation of MOAs is the front row seat we have, interviewing the scientists who invent today’s medical marvels. They, in turn, appreciate our ability to understand…

Animation « XVIVO