Agricultural development is seen on the plain of Fucino in Italy. The area is known for the quality of the vegetables that are…


Agricultural development is seen on the plain of Fucino in Italy. The area is known for the quality of the vegetables that are grown here — in particular the potatoes, carrots, and radishes. What is now an entire plain filled with farms was once Fucine Lake, the third largest lake in Italy. The lake was drained in 1877 to make farming possible here and now accounts for roughly 25% of the agricultural production in the region.


41.995000°, 13.547222°

Source imagery: Maxar Technologies

How a sex researcher and a cosplaying 3D printing specialist created an open source, orgasm-measuring butt-plug


Nicole Prause is a sex researcher who wanted to design a gender-neutral orgasm-measuring tool that would fit in the anus and detect and measure pelvic contractions but all the buttplugs she tried to modify (“We ordered like 20 of these butt plugs off Amazon, and it messed up my recommendation engine for all time”) were designed to be pistoned in and out, and thus had a taper that made it prone to popping out at the moment of orgasm.

Prause tweeted about her troubles and forged a partnership with a German cosplayer who had extensive 3D printing experience; they designed a research-optimized butt-plug they call the “anal pneumatic base for psychophysiology research” and released it as an open source hardware design that you can download from Thingiverse and 3D print at home or work.

Yer da sells Avon: how the Scots language found a new home on Twitter


A great article about the Scots language on twitter. Excerpt: 

Clas­sic con­tri­bu­tions includ­ingKings­ley the Partick This­tle mas­cot;​‘yer maw’ jokes; ​‘yer da sells Avon’ jokes; any­thing Lewis Capal­di tweets, and ​“maw bought aldi show­er gel that smells like fairy liq­uid so I’ve been cut­ting about all day smelling like a fuck­ing plate” (@adamfraser14, August 2015).

For many peo­ple both out­side Scot­land and with­in, Twit­ter has pro­vid­ed a brand new view into the Scots lan­guage and its vari­eties in all their sweary, hys­ter­i­cal, some­times incom­pre­hen­si­ble glo­ry. Has the plat­form spear­head­ed a resur­gence amongst its young users or is this some­thing more pro­found altogether?

The Scots lan­guage has been spo­ken in Scot­land for cen­turies and still exists across the coun­try today. It’s com­prised of numer­ous dif­fer­ent dialects – which can dif­fer from each oth­er quite dra­mat­i­cal­ly – and is one of three offi­cial lan­guages in Scot­land, along­side Eng­lish and Gael­ic. In 2001 it was offi­cial­ly recog­nised under theEuro­pean Char­ter for Minor­i­ty Languages.

“Scots was the nation­al lan­guage of a coun­try that doesn’t exist any­more,” explains writer and pre­sen­ter Alis­tair Heather, who writes a Scots col­umn in Scotland’s The Nation­al news­pa­per. ​“As Scot­land was amal­ga­mat­ed into Great Britain, Scots fell away from being a nation­al lan­guage because it didn’t have a nation anymore.

Read the whole thing

Yer da sells Avon: how the Scots language found a new home on Twitter

Slightly annoying that ‘tristinction’ is not a word (it should be, considering ‘distinction’ comes from Ancient Greek δίς [dís,…

IFTTT, Twitter, PeterSjostedtH


Our essay “Making Things Physical”, co-authored by @_foam / Maja Kuzmanovic @deziluzija, Nik Gaffney @zzkt & Time’s Up has been…

IFTTT, Twitter, TimesUp_Linz


I’m on a mission today to reconnect / follow up on leads / collaborate - apologies if you’re waiting for a response (it’ll come/…

IFTTT, Twitter, M_PF


10,000 BC paragraph 48a Then there was the system of the strata. On the intensive continuum, the strata fashion forms and…


10,000 BC paragraph 48a

Then there was the system of the strata. On the intensive continuum, the strata fashion forms and form matters into substances. In combined emissions, they make the distinction between expressions and contents, units of expression and units of content, for example, signs and particles. In conjunctions, they separate flows, assigning them relative movements and diverse territorialities, relative deterritorializations and complementary reterritorializations. Thus the strata set up everywhere double articulations animated by movements: forms and substances of content and forms and substances of expression constituting segmentary multiplicities with relations that are determinable in every case. Such are the strata. Each stratum is a double articulation of content and expression, both of which are really distinct and in a state of reciprocal presupposition.

The second volume of our long-awaited Journal of Futures special double issue is finally out! Eighteen more articles, interviews…

IFTTT, Twitter, futuryst


in a complex social system, there can be a conspiracy without conspirators the emergent behavior of a system sometimes looks…

IFTTT, Twitter, aaronzlewis


All radicals should be encouraged to form institutions. Much moral high-ground posturing and insufferable certitude are rooted…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Two types of problems. A: Those that are hard because nobody knows how to actually solve them yet B: Those that are hard…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Autonomous vehicles fooled by drones that project too-quick-for-humans road-signs


In MobilBye: Attacking ADAS with Camera Spoofing, a group of Ben Gurion security researchers describe how they were able to defeat a Renault Captur’s “Level 0” autopilot (Level 0 systems advise human drivers but do not directly operate cars) by following them with drones that projected images of fake roadsigns for a 100ms instant – too short for human perception, but long enough for the autopilot’s sensors.

Such an attack would leave no physical evidence behind and could be used to trick cars into making maneuvers that compromised the safety or integrity of their passengers and other users of the road – from unexpected swerves to sudden speed-changes to detours into unsafe territory.

As Geoff Manaugh writes on BLDGBLOG, “They are like flickering ghosts only cars can perceive, navigational dazzle imperceptible to humans.”

The “imperceptible to humans” part is the most interesting thing about this: we tend to think of electronic sensors’ ability to exceed human sensory capacity as a feature: but when you’re relying on a “human in the loop” to sanity-check an algorithm’s interpretations of the human-legible world, attackers’ ability to show the computer things that the human can’t see is a really interesting and gnarly problem.

Word of the day: “nefelibata” –– literally a “cloud-walker”; that is, a daydreamer, one who wanders lost in thought or wonder…

IFTTT, Twitter, RobGMacfarlane


Regarding this “plant forests!” thing: I’m going to plug Joe Mercer’s @RCAarchitecture ADS1 thesis project from 2017/18 which…

IFTTT, Twitter, entschwindet


Shit, just realized I operate with an unconscious 2x2 in how I engage with people online. X-axis: harmless to dangerous, Y-axis,…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


“First of all, I am a real Minimalist, because I don’t do very much. I know some minimalists who call themselves minimalist, but…

IFTTT, Twitter, SamuelAndreyev


I introduced a remarkable person (Ai Weiwei) to a remarkable tree (the Great Oriental Plane Tree) this afternoon….

IFTTT, Twitter, RobGMacfarlane


sound nerds: there’s a new auditory illusion. if you replace a repeating texture with white noise, your ear hallucinates the…

IFTTT, Twitter, kcimc


The sense of time I have as a millennial is so weird… 1970: About 30 years ago 1980: About 20 years ago 1990: About 10 years…

IFTTT, Twitter, quartzen


In this Overview, the San Juan River is shown meandering through southeastern Utah, not far from Goosenecks State Park. It is a…


In this Overview, the San Juan River is shown meandering through southeastern Utah, not far from Goosenecks State Park. It is a major tributary of the Colorado River and provides drainage to the Four Corners region of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona. The San Juan is one of the muddiest rivers in North America, carrying an average of 25 million U.S. tons of silt and sediment each year.


37.206203°, -109.995573°

Source imagery: Maxar Technologies

Ever notice how the humanities and social sciences are expected to understand scientific research method but scientists don’t…

IFTTT, Twitter, annegalloway


Biologists analyzed 150 samples from across the U.K. and concluded that British knotweed was all a clone of that original plant,…

IFTTT, Twitter, annaridler


vns matrix archive is finally live. coded by the brilliant @francesdath the slime archive has taken over a year to build and has…

IFTTT, Twitter, AnomiePrecious


There are 20,000 TOTAL Customs & Border Patrol agents in the US. 9,500 - almost HALF that number - are in a racist & sexually…

IFTTT, Twitter, AOC
