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SinGweesh: About time lah! - The Middle Ground


You know what’s the problem with Singlish’s street cred? Every joker who has ever heard it before thinks he or she can speak it. Just ask that angmo who’s been in Singapore for a few weeks, and you may hear him or her boast: “You think I cannot speak lah?” Actually, angmo, I dun think hor, I know – because that use of “lah” is so salah.

Poor, poor “lah”! It has kena so much abuse that sometimes we wonder whether we’re still a Western colony. Come on, show some respect! “Is ‘lah’ a note to follow ‘soh’?” isn’t funny – we’ve heardit a gazillion times. Such wilful ignorance isn’t cute. “How go to Orchard Road lah?” “Lah your friend is so beautiful.” “The chicken rice nice-nice leh lah!”

What the fiak. (Yes, that’s how we say it.) “Lah” has to be like among the most abused words in the history of abused words. So let’s get the rules right for the sake of our sanity. “Lah” is firstly used at the end of a sentence or a main clause – nowhere else. No “Lah you is so funny” or “I take lah the bus home”. This isn’t French. But you can say “Dun care him lah, let’s go!” or use it with a filler like “OK”, as in “Please lah, OK?” (By the way, this “OK” doesn’t mean OK; it means “for God’s sake”. Surprise.)

Secondly, there’s no need to use “lah” to end every sentence. Once is enough to set the tone – unless you want to change this tone or to be irritating. So it makes sense when you cry, for example, “Help me lah! Lend me money lah!” Otherwise, dun lah-lah-lah please.

Thirdly, “lah” isn’t exactly meaningless. And it doesn’t mean “dude” or “babe”, and you shouldn’t say “How are you lah?” when you mean “How are you, bro?” There are even multiple meanings to it, and each meaning is defined by the context in play. I can identify three main types:

  1. The pleading “lah”, as in “Go away lah!” or “Go and die lah!”, and both of these mean “Please get lost”.

  2. The emphatic “lah”, as when you hear “You see lah!” The emphasis here is on you seeing – which presumably you haven’t been – and the line therefore means “Didn’t I tell you to watch out?”

  3. The affirmative “lah”, as in “Steady lah!” or “Solid lah!”, both of which mean “You’re impressive! Keep it up!”

These three “lahs” are also differentiated by tone, and so you need to learn to enunciate right too. None of them involves the sing-song “lah” of The Sound of Music. The pleading “lah” sounds like a deflating balloon: “laaah”. The emphatic “lah” is a spurt ending on a higher pitch, like when something drops on your foot. The affirmative “lah” is also a spurt, but it pulls downwards after going up, thus showing the very control of feeling it signals.

So, everyone, please lah, OK? Dun simi sai also go lah. Use your “lahs” sparingly and accurately, and you will win over the easily wounded hearts of native Singaporeans faster than HDB upgrading!

– Gwee Li Sui is a poet, a graphic novelist, and a lite-ra-rary critic who also likes to talk cock sing song.

SinGweesh: About time lah! - The Middle Ground

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Welcome to Latent Space


I’ve written before about BigGAN, an image-generating neural net that Google trained recently. It generates its best images for each of the 1,000 different categories in the standard ImageNet dataset, from goldfish to planetarium to toilet tissue. And the images it produces are both beautifully textured and deeply weird. Some of the categories - scabbard, rocking chair, stopwatch - are delightfully aesthetic.


[scabbard, rocking chair, stopwatch]

Google has made the trained BigGAN model available to the research/art community, which is nice, since people have estimatedthat today it would take around $60k in cloud computing time to train one’s own.

But there’s more lurking in the BigGAN model besides the 1,000 ImageNet categories. The model thinks of each category as a big set of numbers that describes exactly how to smoosh and stretch and color random noise. Following one set of numbers will transform noise into a flower, while following another set will turn that same noise into a dog instead. But another thing a set of number is, is a position in space: latitude and longitude for example, or x,y,z coordinates - in math terms, we call the set of numbers a vector. And in machine learning, all the positions in space (granted, an approximately 100-dimensional space) that a model’s vectors can point to is called vector space.

So one set of numbers - the flower vector - points you to some location in vector space, and another set of numbers - the dog vector - points you to a different location.


[daisy, saluki dog]

But here is where it gets fun. The vectors are just numbers, which means you could, in theory, average them. What happens when you average together “saluki dog” and “daisy”? There’s no ImageNet category there, so what’s lurking in that spot in vector space, halfway between the two? Delightfully, dogflowers.


This, it turns out, is so cool. Joel Simon has put together an app called that lets you mix and match categories.

So, this is what you get when you travel to the point in vector space midway between bedlington terrier and geyser, with a little dingo thrown in.


And this spot in latent space is somewhere between Pembroke Terrier and espresso.


This aesthetic delight is bookshop + radio telescope, with a teensy bit of boston bull. (It turns out that since the ImageNet dataset is full of dogs, vector space is too)


Want to make something adorably small? Add a bit of thimble. (This is the bit of latent space midway between thimble + zucchini)


Want to make it really ornate and fancy? Throw in some church organ, or perhaps some saxophone. This, for the record, is conch + organ + sax + scabbard + book jacket.


This spot around electric locomotive + greenhouse + prison + vault + rocking chair + shoji is very beautiful.


I’m also fond of trilobite + carpenter’s kit + french horn + ladle + streetcar.


While the less said about the bit of latent space midway between bathtub + butcher shop, the better.

Go explore, which is free and so so fascinating!

And check out a few more of my favorite spots in latent space here in the bonus material!

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