Posts tagged Twitter

Sigh. LAM came first. then Drexicya in the Bass section of Record Time in the early to mid 90s. then Elecktroids, The Other…

IFTTT, Twitter, mikeservito


I’m on a quest for Hawaiian snails named after Christian missionaries and their descendants. There are just so many! Amongst the…

IFTTT, Twitter, thomvandooren


Endland is a collection of cut-up dystopian fables set in a fractured half-hallucinated version of England. The Autumn launch is…

IFTTT, Twitter, Tim_Etchells


An annoying thing about picking words to use for things is that major uses that came before are often inconsistent. For example,…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Really pleased to publish ‘Para-Photo-Mancy’ and an accompanying essay in the latest issue of Antennae: The Journal of Nature in…

IFTTT, Twitter, Night_Sam


I saw a claim that the Amazon Rainforest provides 20% of the world’s oxygen, so I went to go see if that was correct. My initial…

IFTTT, Twitter, buehlersciwri


Ooh, just found these wonderful diagrams of internal time/alphabet/number structures of people with time-space / sequential…

IFTTT, Twitter, stefpos


Question: Is the most effective thing that can happen to decelerate climate change and species extinction, a very severe and…

IFTTT, Twitter, samim


I have a list of Really Expensive Things That Have Their Own Twitter Accounts - do you have any suggestions? Note: I haven’t…

IFTTT, Twitter, hondanhon


Very pleased and thoroughly intimidated to be one of the 2019 recipients of the @artfund’s New Collecting Awards to build the…

IFTTT, Twitter, nd_kane


74 years ago today, the United States detonated an atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. There are some pictures of…

IFTTT, Twitter, wellerstein


Ongoing attempt at producing GAN imagery without using the generator; Usually when people make art using GANs they throw out the…

IFTTT, Twitter, DrBeef_


The desert libraries of Timbuktu are well known, and have been the subject of global concern. Almost all the manuscripts have…

IFTTT, Twitter, incunabula


“Can machines think?” Surprised to read that #Turing considered telepathy (for which he claimed the evidence was “overwhelming”)…

IFTTT, Twitter, PeterSjostedtH


The top image is a fictitious weather report imagining what the weather would be like in 2050 for a 2014 French TV documentary…

IFTTT, Twitter, EtheHerring


I recently had the opportunity to visit an Arctic research station. One day we traveled four hours by speedboat to a stretch of…

IFTTT, Twitter, ferrisjabr


Pynchon on the secularisation of Sloth, as a sin no longer against God but “against a particular sort of time, uniform, one-way,…

IFTTT, Twitter, thewastedworld


I’m so obsessed with mine and @MelanieKKing & @SapphireGoss’s collaboration on micro/macro constellations and flipping the sky…

IFTTT, Twitter, amycutler1985


Wonder how different society would be if we used more natural metaphors instead of mechanical ones. Germinating, branching,…

IFTTT, Twitter, ivorinfo


the area 51 thing but someone makes an event called “Don’t Go To Work, They Can’t Fire All of Us” and then we trick everyone…

IFTTT, Twitter, summerbruise69


Tens of millions people in the Western Europe are experiencing the heat of the #climatecrisis as temperature records are being…

IFTTT, Twitter, MikeHudema


Yesterday was the 65th anniversary of Operation Moon Bounce. In 1954, James Trexler spoke into a microphone at our Stump Neck…



RT If it’s made with Public Money, it should be Public Code. A campaign…

IFTTT, Twitter, xuv


Wikipedia has a list of gods of time. Damn. 30 years ago this would have been many tedious trips to the library, and if you…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


In one year, a single acre of black soldier fly larvae can transform any kind of organic waste (Cafeteria refuse, manure, even…

IFTTT, Twitter, DnlKlr


How do we live in the 21st century? Simple. Embrace two paradoxes: The first, our political principle, is: Zero tolerance for…

IFTTT, Twitter, KarlSchroeder


6 stages of recovery 1. Chill, eat, sleep 2. Basic triage ordering to get to minimum functional potential 3. Escapist leisure to…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Looking back, landing on the moon wasn’t just our job, it was a historic opportunity to prove to the world America’s can-do…

IFTTT, Twitter, TheRealBuzz


I’ve updated my cryptocurrency paper trained word2vec model. Web interface now has a concept explorer in addition to the analogy…

IFTTT, Twitter, SarahJamieLewis


Hanlon’s razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Hon’s razor: Never attribute to…

IFTTT, Twitter, hondanhon


Cornwall Council declared #ClimateEmergency in Jan. & plans a 20,000 acre “Forest For Cornwall”. Good for wildlife, people &…

IFTTT, Twitter, RobGMacfarlane


I am so thankful and excited to win the incredible #CollideInternational award and residency and cant wait for my time at #Cern,…

IFTTT, Twitter, _menkman


"Nearly every book has the same architecture—cover, spine, pages—but you open them onto worlds & gifts far beyond what paper &…

IFTTT, Twitter, RobGMacfarlane


Reservoirs topped with ‘shade balls’ are my new obsession -their geometrical configuration is always shifting like the sentient…

IFTTT, Twitter, MjTurner_


Mini-documentatry from @FIBERFestival’s Coded Matter(s): Terra Fiction last year Features me talking about #solarpunk . Also…

IFTTT, Twitter, thejaymo


My best aphorism is also my worst nightmare: Civilization is the process of turning the incomprehensible into the arbitrary….

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


I’d like to file a feature request on the English language. For the sake of source code aesthetics one of the word pairs…

IFTTT, Twitter, lukego


Slightly annoying that ‘tristinction’ is not a word (it should be, considering ‘distinction’ comes from Ancient Greek δίς [dís,…

IFTTT, Twitter, PeterSjostedtH


Our essay “Making Things Physical”, co-authored by @_foam / Maja Kuzmanovic @deziluzija, Nik Gaffney @zzkt & Time’s Up has been…

IFTTT, Twitter, TimesUp_Linz
