Posts tagged Twitter

New Process worked #🙂- scan a rock, merge/mash the 3D scan with a 3D file extracted from a console video game (found on the 3D…

IFTTT, Twitter, M_PF


Today seems like the right time to do a thread I’ve been thinking about for a while on how to handle the seemingly never-ending…

IFTTT, Twitter, CindyOtis_


‘Perhaps universal history is the history of the diverse intonation of a few metaphors’ [ . ] Illustration from ’The earliest…

IFTTT, Twitter, MrPrudence


The rationalist heuristic to figure out root causes for problems is to ask “why?” 5 times. Do not use when feeling stupid. The…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Pitch: seminar course on ‘failed’ technologies across time and space; OLPC, Free Basics, the Qinhuangdao straddling bus, the…

IFTTT, Twitter, justinpickard


Stacking WaveNet autoencoders on top of each other leads to raw audio models that can capture long-range structure in music….

IFTTT, Twitter, sedielem


Mulling over writing a parallel review of Wind River (2017) and Winter’s Bone (2010). They’re massively structurally parallel,…

IFTTT, Twitter, hautepop


Photographic liquid emulsion prints on Japanese paper little tactile pieces will be presented in Arles @rencontresarles July….

IFTTT, Twitter, naroaphoto


Given an adversarial environment I don’t believe you can maintain strong - decentralized - consistency AND have timely…

IFTTT, Twitter, SarahJamieLewis


I’ve set myself the challenge to: * teach tidal to 8 year olds, in groups of 8 * then record an ‘algorithmic drumming circle’…

IFTTT, Twitter, yaxu


Things that are part of the mecha genre if you accept Neon Genesis Evangelion as a mecha anime: - Ratatouille - Inside Out -…

IFTTT, Twitter, RevolverUnit


Our Cyberpunk Future. CRISPR-engineered Neanderthal stem cells grown into “mini brains” (Neanderoids), then wired into crab-like…

IFTTT, Twitter, cascio


1) Religious statements are not epistemic (scientific, literal) claims, but risk-survival heuristics under incomplete…

IFTTT, Twitter, nntaleb


There is a big cultural opening for a new kind of political party: - Life Centric (the politics of gaia) - Transnational…

IFTTT, Twitter, samim


The tldr of the talk “crypto courting major record labels and blue chip galleries, and tailoring systems for their deeply flawed…

IFTTT, Twitter, matdryhurst


With regards to AI I can’t stop thinking about Bruce Blumberg’s synthetic creatures assertion that tech should behave like a…

IFTTT, Twitter, tezcatlipoca


Here’s the one thing everyone should understand about clean energy: the learning curve. Every time the amount of solar in the…

IFTTT, Twitter, tsrandall


The first #InvisibleWorlds residency begins in July: Rosanna Martin will be doing microscopic examination and material…

IFTTT, Twitter, _foam


Meatspace is increasingly full of people doing insane shit driven by the invisible logic of conspiracy theories. At least with…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Why did I not invent this acronym first? ‘Collaborative Technology Hardened for Underwater and Littoral Hazardous Environment’,…

IFTTT, Twitter, cstross


Top 5 Writing Tips: 1. Kill your starlings 2. Writing is rewriting is rewiring is HVAC maintenance 3. Text adverbs to let them…

IFTTT, Twitter, DelilahSDawson


Google discovered that giving every employee a credit card and trusting them to follow policy on expenses, even with some bad…

IFTTT, Twitter, davegray


I’m pedantic about the singular they. It is as old as the English language and when folks are like "I don’t have a problem with…

IFTTT, Twitter, leeflower


In places where there’s limited land and a surplus of water, it makes a lot of sense to optimize for land. So there, grow & eat…

IFTTT, Twitter, SarahTaber_bww


"Mojibake (文字化け; IPA: [mod͡ʑibake]) is the garbled text that is the result of text being decoded using an unintended character…

IFTTT, Twitter, _menkman


There is a principle of Defensive Decentralization: when besieged, a well constructed decentralized system will further…

IFTTT, Twitter, SarahJamieLewis


“You already know enough. So do I. It is not knowledge we lack. What is missing is the courage to understand what we know and to…

IFTTT, Twitter, jamesbridle


To a degree. This is what I endeavor to do in High Weirdness, where I try and both exploit the ambiguity of the term (as genre,…

IFTTT, Twitter, erik_davis


Anthony Bourdain on humanity: "Meals make the society, hold the fabric together in lots of ways that were charming and…

IFTTT, Twitter, wilkinebrutus


Our #driversofchange posters are on display at a special @ClimateMusic concert in San Francisco. The music tracks land-use,…

IFTTT, Twitter, arupforesight


I don’t know a lot about Bourdain but I know this: He got television about human geography to rate well. He got more Americans…

IFTTT, Twitter, vruba


Daniel Trilling (@trillingual)’s LIGHTS IN THE DISTANCE is the best book yet written about borders and migration in Europe….

IFTTT, Twitter, jamesbridle


Federico Campagna (@FedCampagna)’s TECHNIC AND MAGIC will change the way you think about reality in strange and mysterious ways….

IFTTT, Twitter, jamesbridle


Realised I mostly tweet about visual art and tech rants, so with my own book coming out in a couple of weeks I thought I should…

IFTTT, Twitter, jamesbridle


’The “Crack Manifesto” marked the beginning of the “Crack group,” a collective of five Mexican writers dedicated to breaking…

IFTTT, Twitter, julianisland


Actually now I’ve given it some thought, clearly the most efficient undersea data storage approach would be to put LEDs on the…

IFTTT, Twitter, _riwsa


a mix of some of my favorite female noise artists for @nnwradio including @electric_indigo, @poemproducer, @theotherldr,…

IFTTT, Twitter, poryahatami


Random philosophical thought experiment: would running a real-world Searle’s Chinese Room experiment make one guilty of crimes…

IFTTT, Twitter, cstross

(via "A potent question at such intersecting points of interest being asked, "Are we at the doors of…

IFTTT, Twitter, audio_pervert


The UNC on the Law of the Sea states: Artificial islands & other structures do not possess the status of islands. They have no…

IFTTT, Twitter, _menkman


There is a whole critical literature on the concept of trauma that is unknown to most in mental health who assume it is a…

IFTTT, Twitter, vaughanbell


It’s the last day of @JamesPDuffy’s secondment with @_foam. James has been modifying the #sonickayak system to automatically map…

IFTTT, Twitter, _foam


’[Mongolia’s] monasteries are increasingly run by millennial monks, the first generation to come of age after decades of…

IFTTT, Twitter, justinpickard


Increasingly I hear from people who won’t do something that functions well in their own context because it "won’t scale…

IFTTT, Twitter, greenwoodae


It’s illegal for Uber & Lyft to pickup at SFO’s arrivals level, so they pickup at departures. This has made congestion so bad,…

IFTTT, Twitter, BJanosch


"The Kyushu Seidokai has expanded into Tokyo, setting up several front companies, and joined forces with Tadamasa Goto, a former…

IFTTT, Twitter, Gabriel050111


Interestingly the plants in this pic are technically also introduced invasive species, brought to the UK along with wheat…

IFTTT, Twitter, Botanygeek
