Posts tagged vgr

When you encounter a broadly confident person, ask what that confidence is rooted in. Typically they’re good at one narrow…

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Anarcho-spaceist. Utopian ideological goal of getting to be a spacefaring species by mildly-leftie-ancap means. Some…

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long-term thinking makes people unhappy because it almost necessarily means they’re thinking about big problems the only future…

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Laws of institutions Law 0: They will emerge, even if nobody wants them Law 1: They will get captured, regardless of values…

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Primal widget: the most powerful piece of technology almost everybody carries almost all the time in a given milieu Backwards…

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If something is worth doing for free, it’s worth doing nerd-out obsessively-compulsively for free. “Free” implies the purest…

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I have no problem with reality falsifying my beliefs but I really don’t like my fiction rotation cache being invalidated by new…

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Good time to be a futurist. Since all old futures have been trashed there’s demand for building up a whole new set of futures….

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Everybody is sure their predicted future has arrived. So you now live in a socialist libertarian authoritarian statist ancap…

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The purpose of crisis prep is not to see you through any imaginable crisis but to buy you time. Applies to both resources…

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Conclusions actually worth drawing from Asian experience: wear masks, bow, namaste, test-and-trace, improve health surveillance…

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My own initial reaction to gpt2 helps me understand why pre-modern tribes reacted to being filmed and shown the footage like the…

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Believing things takes a lot of energy. You can measure the fragility of a system by the energy it takes to believe in it. Or…

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When you get near 100% confident in a belief, you internalize it, which means it sinks into the unconscious. To hold a belief…

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Time dilation/contraction perceptions are at least 2d, where first dimension is event stream and second dimension is information…

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I think the Great Weirding has finally hit the tech stack. Everything I’m seeing happening to the consumer web experience seems…

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Most people are not lazy enough. The kind of relentlessly effortful living conservatives love to preach is unnatural except…

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What was the last phenomenon, observable as a stream of discrete events, that “popped” from background to foreground for you,…

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My dream algorithm 1. Auto-cluster tweets per user (shitposting, representing, thought leadering, shilling, sharing, thinking…

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That feeling that all your peers have figured out something important you haven’t and moved on in some way, leaving you behind?…

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A defining American trait, and the neatest bit of elite inception in history. “Socialism never took root in America because the…

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The @meaningness model of how meaning fell apart (choiceless —> systematic —> countercultural —> subcultural —> atomized)…

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An annoying thing about picking words to use for things is that major uses that came before are often inconsistent. For example,…

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Wikipedia has a list of gods of time. Damn. 30 years ago this would have been many tedious trips to the library, and if you…

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6 stages of recovery 1. Chill, eat, sleep 2. Basic triage ordering to get to minimum functional potential 3. Escapist leisure to…

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My best aphorism is also my worst nightmare: Civilization is the process of turning the incomprehensible into the arbitrary….

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All radicals should be encouraged to form institutions. Much moral high-ground posturing and insufferable certitude are rooted…

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Two types of problems. A: Those that are hard because nobody knows how to actually solve them yet B: Those that are hard…

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Shit, just realized I operate with an unconscious 2x2 in how I engage with people online. X-axis: harmless to dangerous, Y-axis,…

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Bitcoin is such a comically perfect dark age hedge. It’s like it was invented for a tropey cyberpunk dystopia novel. Editor to…

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There’s something like an uncanny horoscope effect, where if a fairly weak theory fits you personally very strongly, you’ll be…

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Indukhtion might be my first Hindi-English pun. Defined as: experiences viscerally revealing the reality of dukkha to you for…

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Many things I had filed in my mind as “signs of apocalypse” are happening/have happened in last few years but it doesn’t feel…

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I am beginning to really dislike appeals-to-better-nature rhetoric of the “do better” and “become good” variety. If you can’t…

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We’re gonna see a new institutional underground of reimagined secret societies, lodges, fraternities, sororities etc. Not like…

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Though a bit idiosyncratic, the shortest definition of intellectual I’ll sign on to is “magical thinker” (ht @bhudgeons for…

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Idea: doomsday clock that runs on kairos rather than chronos. Every tick-tock is a semantically marked up real-world event that…

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Every science is a degenerate habit of thought. Magical thinking is the creative discipline of resisting the lure of that…

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Perhaps no human activity has as big a gap between private and public texture as “research”. Research in private is a an endless…

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Outer doubt: Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy, Discworld, Discordianism Outer confidence: Getting Things Done, Inner Game of Tennis…

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UAMI: Unilaterally Assured Mutual Incomprehension. The equilibrium that results from one person both refusing to explain…

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Project: start, restart, plan, replan, repair, finish, review, refactor, abandon, backburner Habit: start, rehearse, refine,…

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You need 90% energy in processes that won’t terminate till you die, but aren’t habits or projects. Each also has an associated…

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There’s a family of interesting related arguments: “You are not enough people” (Vonnegut theory of marital conflict) “Reality…

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I’m in the non-apocalyptic camp of climate change believers. I don’t believe even the worst case will make the world…

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Actually, lemme try mapping the 8 metaphors Mechanistic: GTD Brain: BASB/PKM Organism: Blitzkrieg model Culture: Improv theater…

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Damn, my GTD game has completely fallen apart in the last couple of years. My workflow is a global quantum entangled state of…

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The crossword are probably the only mainstream puzzle format that requires a full-blown postrational civilizational OODA loop…

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There’s really only 4 ways to connect with someone of a culture/ideology you hate at an intellectual level (none guaranteed): 1….

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Trying something inspired by @jeremyzilar idea of unfollowing everybody and rebuilding deliberately. Mine is less extreme. I…

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My kind of thinking “infects” healthy thinking like a parasite that won’t go away 😎 All 4 horsepeople troll rationality with a…

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Post-capitalism challenge is to invent a way to do 3 things at once: a) keep pace of economic life as fast as it needs to be via…

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Always-already Great Weirding “This is broken” “This is how it’s supposed to work” “This is a terrible bug” “It’s actually a…

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Idea for adversarial press briefings: reporters type in questions that go on a leaderboard, and vote on what they want answered….

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Saving the world is a job for professionals Making it worth saving is a pastime for amateurs The problem is all the damn…

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If your thing can’t provide at least half the value when half-assed, (or worse: actually makes things worse if applied with less…

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Civilization: a stage of evolution that begins when a species first makes a pocket out of some kind of dough, stuffs it with…

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