Posts tagged Twitter

When you encounter a broadly confident person, ask what that confidence is rooted in. Typically they’re good at one narrow…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Anarcho-spaceist. Utopian ideological goal of getting to be a spacefaring species by mildly-leftie-ancap means. Some…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


i’ve run a bunch of scenarios on and it seems like the most effective things are: 1. wear an n95 mask 2….

IFTTT, Twitter, bcrypt


’[W]hat stands in the way of solving the problem of consciousness is the impossibility of interpreting or defining it in terms…

IFTTT, Twitter, PeterSjostedtH


Acoustic cartography: the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency is running a “soundscapes” competition to develop tools…

IFTTT, Twitter, geoffmanaugh


watcha doin’? just replacing Facebook with quantum-encrypted co-operatively owned open source social networks issuing carbon…

IFTTT, Twitter, adrianhon


Today was the last Marine Zoönomy series! Every Friday for the last 3 weeks @KlaasJK and I have worked with participants in…

IFTTT, Twitter, thesjef


Zoom shuts down an NYU academic event on zoom censorship. Facebook asks NYU researchers to stop doing research on political ads….

IFTTT, Twitter, sedyst


long-term thinking makes people unhappy because it almost necessarily means they’re thinking about big problems the only future…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


No. Consumers don’t have meaningful power. Humans aren’t ambulatory wallets. Citizens have power. Join a movement. Nothing you…

IFTTT, Twitter, doctorow


Long but interesting, on how a group of radical environmentalists occupying a German forest in protest of lignite mining do/use…

IFTTT, Twitter, jcalpickard


Reverse engineered favourite mask, improved fit, added nose wire feature, made triple layer, and used fabric printed using…

IFTTT, Twitter, AmberFirefly


Lots of people saying they are tired of the pandemic because it’s stretching on. I’m tired of it because it went from a (kinda)…

IFTTT, Twitter, inevernu


Laws of institutions Law 0: They will emerge, even if nobody wants them Law 1: They will get captured, regardless of values…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


LowDjo & @zzkt NOW on Ethereal electronica rumbling bass squelching synths, an astronaut’s last words,…

IFTTT, Twitter, Lowdjo


TUNE IN!! @zzkt & myself. tunes from Alain Goraguer, Igor Wakhevitch Gong @TheTigerLillies…

IFTTT, Twitter, Lowdjo


I’ve resisted the retrocomputing rabbit hole thus far, which in very grateful for, but I did just stumbled on some of Bjarne…

IFTTT, Twitter, lukego


The thing is we’re not killing the planet. Planet Earth is 4.4B years old and has seen much worse and yet life recovered. We’re…

IFTTT, Twitter, trekonomics


Primal widget: the most powerful piece of technology almost everybody carries almost all the time in a given milieu Backwards…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


There’s a kind of debugging I call “flailing”—a desperate, theory-less “jiggling the handle” one can stumble into after extended…

IFTTT, Twitter, andy_matuschak


Yeah. Walking. Writing day pages by hand. Wet photography. Astrophotography. Learn to draw. Study calculus. Grow a garden….

IFTTT, Twitter, darthjulian


‘Science Artisans’ - from @DenisaKera ’Science artisans strive for and explore sovereignty, dignity, and freedom in an age…

IFTTT, Twitter, AmberFirefly


This is not to say that the movie is good or bad! (I am very much not the intended audience.) But I wonder if successful…

IFTTT, Twitter, kevinroose


“Going through the motions” is what I use. I think, in a poetic moment, I might have said something about mimicking shadow…

IFTTT, Twitter, jezhiggins


I am still quite amazed we somehow pulled this out thanks so much @daitomanabe @hollyherndon…

IFTTT, Twitter, Macroscopist


If something is worth doing for free, it’s worth doing nerd-out obsessively-compulsively for free. “Free” implies the purest…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


I’ve read about LSD being given to just about any animal you can think of: snails, fish, dogs, cats, elephants, spiders, guinea…

IFTTT, Twitter, surliertexan


This review of The Social Dilemma on @libshipwreck is 🔥🔥🔥 Every paragraph is a gem. Read it, savour it, and realise how “humane…

IFTTT, Twitter, adrianhon
