Posts tagged Twitter

Me to engineering students: “Forget ‘don’t be evil’—here’s a wallop of politics that you’ll need to survive.” Me to liberal arts…

IFTTT, Twitter, ablerism


"…the one thing that I and my main characters never do when contemplating the future is give up hope. In fact, the very act of…

IFTTT, Twitter, anabjain


Almost never share petitions, but this one is about something that is directly affecting the lives and health of people who are…

IFTTT, Twitter, AmberFirefly


Word of the day: “flygskam” - lit. flying-shame; the environmental guilt arising from air-travel (Swedish); cf “vliegschaamte”…

IFTTT, Twitter, RobGMacfarlane


I am beginning to really dislike appeals-to-better-nature rhetoric of the “do better” and “become good” variety. If you can’t…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Using Machine Learning for RTM (“Reality Tunnel Management”) is a great opportunity (“show me how cities look like without cars”…

IFTTT, Twitter, samim


Please ask your local record store to stock the following Algomech 2019 festival genres: mechanical folk horror, algorithmic…

IFTTT, Twitter, algomech


when you wrote something and you look at it and you just know it’s good, that there’s something new in it, with the hum of…

IFTTT, Twitter, notaleptic


You have a right to subvert systems of oppression; to live without dead time; to kill the cop inside your head. You don’t need…

IFTTT, Twitter, SarahJamieLewis


Lately, it feels like concern about “spoilers” has hit a fever pitch. I’ve seen people threaten to end friendships over…

IFTTT, Twitter, dreamaskew


I’ve studied Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene,…

IFTTT, Twitter, rpancost


We’re gonna see a new institutional underground of reimagined secret societies, lodges, fraternities, sororities etc. Not like…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


I wrote a short essay about the notebooks I kept while writing Underland & the material traces that such journals carry (another…

IFTTT, Twitter, RobGMacfarlane


tl,dr: Deepfakes on surveillance video will emerge organically if we don’t recognize them as an obvious failure mode. Moon…

IFTTT, Twitter, dakami


Ribbonfarm Top 10 by word count@vgr 1,155,543@sarahdoingthing 154,958@KevinSimler 32,895*@davidmanheim 27,940@TaylorPearsonMe…

IFTTT, Twitter, ribbonfarm


Though a bit idiosyncratic, the shortest definition of intellectual I’ll sign on to is “magical thinker” (ht @bhudgeons for…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


I just boarded an international @JetBlue flight. Instead of scanning my boarding pass or handing over my passport, I looked into…

IFTTT, Twitter, mackenzief


We need 2 categories 1) #Dravidian pantheism 4 sudra&dalit pagans who reject #Brahmin 2)#Hindu 4 all twice born. All texts…

IFTTT, Twitter, Teloogoo


Idea: doomsday clock that runs on kairos rather than chronos. Every tick-tock is a semantically marked up real-world event that…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Every science is a degenerate habit of thought. Magical thinking is the creative discipline of resisting the lure of that…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Maturity, to me, is learning when it is a virtue to compromise - and when it absolutely is not. The good life is often an…

IFTTT, Twitter, hautepop


Perhaps no human activity has as big a gap between private and public texture as “research”. Research in private is a an endless…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


"Work is by nature unfree, inhuman, unsocial, activity which is both controlled by private property and which creates it. The…

IFTTT, Twitter, n_srnck


Congratulations to Richard Powers for being awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his amazing book “The Overstory” a most sophisticated…

IFTTT, Twitter, BrunoLatourAIME


Outer doubt: Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy, Discworld, Discordianism Outer confidence: Getting Things Done, Inner Game of Tennis…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


Not #NotreDameCathedral but 800-year-old-plus modified trees that have been left to die in last 40 years due to water…

IFTTT, Twitter, LatimoreJack


Monday morning reading "Drawing on the dark arts, the domain where magicians and fortune-tellers commune with unknowable,…

IFTTT, Twitter, _foam


This is why degrowth, buen vivir, and associated movements are so important, because they pose the question of "how can everyone…

IFTTT, Twitter, islacharlatan


consensus seems to be it was pretty epic. gay penguins, afrofuturism, eugenics, john locke, CRISPR, radioactive glass, skiing,…

IFTTT, Twitter, metaleptic


For all it’s flaws, religion has many interesting aspects: It provides an inclusive, communal framework for decision-making…

IFTTT, Twitter, samim


Black hole, or the question: why is it called even casually “a photograph”, in which ways would it be part of the media…

IFTTT, Twitter, juspar


One of the key figures in today’s #blackhole story is scientist, #KatieBouman. Take a look at this photo of her & her stack of…

IFTTT, Twitter, honorharger


superimpose (|=| up “9”) $ s “pluck*2 alphabet*3 cp*1 blip*4 odx*4 alphabet*1 numbers*1 cp*4 bass*2 feelfx*2 alphabet*4” |=| n…

IFTTT, Twitter, tidalbotbot


Guiz3. Wait a second. What if flat earthers are all just really dedicated trickster types running an Absurdly long con in…

IFTTT, Twitter, Wolven


The Sandbox Tree also known as the “Dynamite Tree” grows exploding fruits. When fully mature, the fruits explode with a loud…

IFTTT, Twitter, 41Strange


1/ A vulture can fly up to 400 kilometres each day in search of carrion. Little should it care whether this flight takes it from…

IFTTT, Twitter, TurbanMinor


Consider 2 universes. Universe Omega is a universe in which God does not exist, but the inhabitants of the universe believe God…

IFTTT, Twitter, pickover


A train trip can change you forever. I had my only religious experience on a Ljubljana-Venice one June, arriving 6am. Also the…

IFTTT, Twitter, minipetite


  • I blame design fiction utopias. (@bruces) Also, way to design for the future within the parameters of the present. Just…

IFTTT, Twitter, m1k3y


UAMI: Unilaterally Assured Mutual Incomprehension. The equilibrium that results from one person both refusing to explain…

IFTTT, Twitter, vgr


This is why we wrote our #nlproc book using barebones PyTorch with good software engineering practices. We were tired of seeing…

IFTTT, Twitter, deliprao
