Too Many Tyrannosaurs, Not Enough Fragmentation Grenades— Charlie Stross (@cstross) July 20, 2018 (via…
Too Many Tyrannosaurs, Not Enough Fragmentation Grenades
— Charlie Stross (@cstross) July 20, 2018
Too Many Tyrannosaurs, Not Enough Fragmentation Grenades
— Charlie Stross (@cstross) July 20, 2018
Takeaway: “Outside of cryptocurrencies, POW (proof of work) is already obsolete. Of the more than 160 companies developing energy blockchain applications, not one is building with Bitcoin. And those using Ethereum are poised to switch to a more efficient network”
— samim (@samim) July 20, 2018
If Satoshi Nakamoto was from 2038 and traveled back in time with a scheme to slow AI research and avert the singularity by creating a counter-market for GPUs, that would explain a lot.
— Eric Jonas (@stochastician) July 17, 2018
Oh and you know that “Satoshi is female” remark was just a joke. We all know Satoshi is the friends we made along the way. h/t @NeerajKA
— Amber Baldet (@AmberBaldet) July 18, 2018
Give an AI an adversarially generated image and it will identify that image as a fishing rod forever.
— dan hon (@hondanhon) July 18, 2018
Current status: measuring butterflies
— Dave Griffiths (@nebogeo) July 18, 2018
Farmers Manual’s one off Brunel Tunnel durational piece now up to stream on the archive:
— Cafe OTO (@Cafeoto) July 18, 2018
I’ve often heard people say “I don’t understand the finance sector because I’m no good at maths’. Finance, though, is not a mathematical science. It’s an ancient political artform of convincing people with power to grant money for activities now, in exchange for benefits later
— Brett Scott (@Suitpossum) July 18, 2018
Happy #WorldListeningDay everyone. Today, reflect upon who you listen to, and whose voices are turned into noise. Jacques Attali: “Everywhere, power reduces the noise made by others and adds sound prevention to its arsenal”.
— Wesley Goatley (@wesleygoatley) July 18, 2018
We will solve the climate problem principally by improving the systems in which dysfunctional people operate, and not by improving people in a dysfunctional system.
— Ken Caldeira (@KenCaldeira) July 17, 2018
The primary lens needs to be about incentives and causal relationships, not morality. Empiricism, not religion.
trying out Tensorflow inferencing with pre-trained models on an ARM Cortex microcontroller. this STMF32F4 discovery board is using to run an MNIST model on live data from its touchscreen to identify a hand-drawn number.
— Matt Biddulph (@mattb) July 17, 2018
180717_223153_D.clj #ProceduralArt #generative
— tweegeemee 트의기미 (@tweegeemee) July 17, 2018
The first @_foam / @edenproject #InvisibleWorlds residency begins next week - Rosanna Martin of Brickworks. This is the first half of Rose’s residency involving geology, clay, and microscopy. Come and say hello…
— Amber Griffiths (@AmberFirefly) July 17, 2018
Russel: *slaps roof of the set of all sets that do not contain themselves* This baby can contain so many… uh, crap, actually lemme get back to you
— Eleanor Saitta (@Dymaxion) July 17, 2018
“they involve the execution of technical and cultural algorithms that shape our image-making devices as well as our viewing practices.”
— nicolasnova (@nicolasnova) July 16, 2018
We don’t talk enough about takeover-at-the-top disruption patterns. The business disruption model of encroaching from the margins and climbing upmarket to the core is just one attack vector. In politics/history, I suspect takeovers from the top are much more common.
— Venkatesh Rao (@vgr) July 16, 2018
Whenever someone texts me “ETA?” I always reply “I don’t agree with their violent tactics, but I support the ideal of Basque autonomy.” I have lost all my friends, presumably because they’re Spanish nationalists
— How do i get the rose in my name (@i_zzzzzz) July 14, 2018
Sunday audio > @farmersmanual_ “Strategies for the exploration and mapping of space”
— ramon bauer (@metropop_eu) July 15, 2018
The marketplace of ideas is crashing, and it’s full of unscrupulous short traders.
— Laurie Penny (@PennyRed) July 15, 2018
cosmic horror isn’t scary anymore; meaninglessness of the universe is now the status quo assumption, not a shocking revelation.
— Amputated Cephlopod (@JayBeeUsher) July 14, 2018
It’s time for a counter horror genre; one where the terror inducing secret is a universe overloaded with meaning and purpose.
Free PDF downloads of the two-volume Global Encyclopaedia of Informality; a catalogue of gift-giving, bribery, interest-driven know-how, identity-based solidarity, co-option and control:;
— Justin Pickard (@justinpickard) July 15, 2018
How to raise a zombie troll army in 12 steps.
— Venkatesh Rao (@vgr) July 15, 2018
Step 1: Create something of real value, or if you can’t, leverage an inheritance into crap value with a large surface area. We’re NOT making stone soup here.
If you were to get a cruise ship in good condition at bargain rates, with financing, and set up a no-profit-no-loss sustainable seasteading community on it, what would it do for economic sustenance, where would it sail, who would live on it, how would it relate to land nations?
— Venkatesh Rao (@vgr) July 14, 2018
overlapping simple systems creating emergent complex structure at wildly different and *nonlinear* scales in both time and space
— Dan Kaminsky (@dakami) July 14, 2018
rule everything around me
“When the world ends, there’ll be no more air. That’s why it’s important to pollute the air now. Before it’s too late.”#KathyAcker on commodified reason.
— McKenzie Wark (@mckenziewark) July 14, 2018
OK, so 12 species in total from #NudibranchCamp Day 1. Here’s Denronotus subramosus, which has 6 pairs of multi-branching gill tufts.
— Jer Thorp (@blprnt) July 14, 2018
If we have to live in the cyberpunk dystopia it’s going to at least have metadata resistant sex toys.
— Sarah Jamie Lewis (@SarahJamieLewis) July 14, 2018
Just to be very clear, I want to live in the open-source hackable networked sex toys queer cyberpunk world, and not the late-stage capitalism, private espionage, corporate controlled cyberpunk dystopia.
— Sarah Jamie Lewis (@SarahJamieLewis) July 14, 2018
I realize these are probably gonna be the same place.
Worker bees are pansexual nonbinary creatures who give a good rub to both pistils and stamens which we clumsily talk about as male and female plant organs. In this essay I will
— Top Tubes Are Specialist Sport Gear 🧐🖋️☂🌌🚲 (@SpacePootler) July 13, 2018
— Genomic Gastronomy (@centgg) July 14, 2018
The menu of food experiences and light snacks imagined a selection of potential food futures and included:
— A recombinatorial cocktail celebrating the many…
— Farmers Manual (@farmersmanual_) July 14, 2018
The rise of clean energy is dramatic proof that the choice between political/social activism and science/engineering/innovation as vectors for improvement of the human condition is a false one.
— Noah Smith (@Noahpinion) July 13, 2018
Society needs both, and they complement each other.
But the environmental movement also probably played a big role in pushing huge numbers of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs into the fight to create cheap clean energy.
— Noah Smith (@Noahpinion) July 13, 2018
Without that idealism, they’d be wasting their talents on high-frequency trading or something.
It Takes A Nation Of Temporarily Inconvenienced Millionaires To Hold Us Back
— Tim Maughan (@timmaughan) July 13, 2018
I get asked why there aren’t more depictions of utopias, and here’s why: utopias are always-already conflicted in a way that dystopias, or visions of them, are not.
— Madeline Ashby (@MadelineAshby) July 13, 2018
“Time is not a grid against which work can be measured, because the work is the measure itself.”
— Wee Bear (@WeeTobbacoBear) July 13, 2018
–David Graeber, Bullshit Jobs
all of farmers manual got up and left mid-set the other day and i went to stretch my legs too, they were sat at a table outside in the same order eating soup
— Matthew Kent (@BlowUpWorkshop) July 13, 2018
More extreme cardboard prototyping @_foam kernow style - the photo interrupter (IR LED and photo-transistor sensor) can reliably detect black, white or nothing present in the 3 bit virus ligand codes @AmberFirefly made yesterday #tangibleinterface
— Dave Griffiths (@nebogeo) July 13, 2018
1- Communicates theory through fictive devices – not philosophical fiction, but fictive philosophy.
— Gregory Marks (@thewastedworld) July 12, 2018
2- Practices theory outside the confines of the “high” academic style.
3- Occupies the growing intersection between reality, fiction, theory, and fantasy.
4- I want to read it.
A Theory-Fiction Reading List:
— Gregory Marks (@thewastedworld) July 12, 2018
This plane isn’t taking off until someone can reinstall MySQL.
— brianbehlendorf (@brianbehlendorf) July 12, 2018
The Republic of Ireland becomes the world’s 1st country to sell off its investments in fossil fuel companies
— Assaad Razzouk (@AssaadRazzouk) July 13, 2018
The state’s €8bn national investment fund will be required to sell all investments in coal, oil, gas and peat #climate
Sign up for for the #OpenPlantForum & satellite events from 23-26 July @JohnInnesCentre. We’ll explore the latest in plant #synbio, incl. development of open tools & #engineering of #plants for #bioproduction.
— OpenPlant (@_OpenPlant) July 13, 2018
Find out more at
— Genomic Gastronomy (@centgg) July 13, 2018
As the climate changes, how will the production of foods shift as well? Will protected designation of origin (PDO) still be important? Will traditional foods of one…
German cave diver Nick Vollmar who joined the Thailand cave rescue mission: “If we could cooperate globally in every aspect like we did here, almost all of our problems could be solved.” Over the last few weeks we saw globalism at its very best.
— Simon Kuestenmacher (@simongerman600) July 12, 2018
I lost 2K followers in the bot-purge.
— William Gibson (@GreatDismal) July 13, 2018
More foliage tests, some specular added - turned off z writes so depth is wrong, but much faster than depth sorting
— Dave Griffiths (@nebogeo) July 12, 2018
New publication -> Visualising the urban green volume: Exploring LiDAR voxels with tangible technologies and virtual models
— FoAM (@_foam) July 12, 2018
[L: 3D model of buildings and greenspace, R: greenspace only for the same area, showing patchy islands of habitat remaining]
“This is not to say that popcorn is going to completely transform robotic actuation or anything, but it’s weird enough that it might plausibly end up in some useful (if very specific) robotic applications.”
— nik gaffney (@zzkt) July 12, 2018
Yes, it was me who smuggled a large seabird into the plenary and launched it at the speaker’s head with the words “Actually this is more of a cormorant than a question.” I am to be considered for possible readmission to the society in 2038, which seems fair.
— James Sumner (@JamesBSumner) July 11, 2018
The SkyGuardian, a Predator drone variant by US nuclear specialists General Atomics, is currently flying over the UK on the first transatlantic RPA drone flight. You can watch the future of state surveillance flying overhead on FlightRadar right now:
— Wesley Goatley (@wesleygoatley) July 11, 2018
Twice in a row now that hybrid journals have applied a paywall on release of a paper I’m on, despite lead authors paying for #openaccess well before publication. Dodgy af.
— Amber Griffiths (@AmberFirefly) July 11, 2018
I’m putting together a reading list of theory-fiction and looking for more examples. What would you recommend?
— Gregory Marks (@thewastedworld) July 11, 2018
Playing loose with the definition to include both theory-heavy memoirs and more experimental works of speculative fabulation:
Is there an open source citizen sciencey type alternative? Would be a great project! :D
— Dave Griffiths (@nebogeo) July 10, 2018
Needed: messaging app, video chat apps, and twitter clients that will re-orient your interlocutor based on their location, so people who are “really” upside down can stop hiding it!
— Alexis Gallagher (@alexisgallagher) July 11, 2018
Biomimicry in architecture is a risky proposition to begin with, but I wish people who are going to do it wouldn’t always be inspired by cliche shapes of leaves etc. we are casually familiar with. Want to see (or even design?) something inspired by the forms of stacked crassulas.
— Chenoe Hart (@chenoehart) July 9, 2018
Apparently my punishment for writing mundane dystopias is to live in them.
— Tim Maughan (@timmaughan) July 10, 2018
C is a cool programming language where if you want to return a string from a function you have to set up an entire physical-universe human social system for adjudicating who is responsible for freeing it
— mcc (@mcclure111) July 10, 2018
“In order to create a C string, you must first create civilization”
Decentralization = Distribution of Power and Control
— Sarah Jamie Lewis (@SarahJamieLewis) July 10, 2018
You can distribute your architecture across as many different layers and entities as you want, but if authority is concentrated in a single entity then the system is centralized.
👁🗨 thx @Cafeoto @Liarennt […] and durational hypnotics
— Farmers Manual (@farmersmanual_) July 10, 2018
i really want an INA-GRM photo book.
— Bruce Levenstein (@BruceLevenstein) July 9, 2018
@farmersmanual_ at the incredible Brunel Museum tunnel space— Phil Julian (@_Phil_Julian) July 8,…
> @farmersmanual_ at the incredible Brunel Museum tunnel space
— Phil Julian (@_Phil_Julian) July 8, 2018
derive task “Strategies for the exploration and mapping of space”
— Farmers Manual (@farmersmanual_) July 10, 2018
Bruno Latour’s Borgesian micro-story at the beginning of _On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods_ says almost everything there is to say about the insane mental script running in our modern heads.
— Weird Studies (@weirdstudies) July 9, 2018
the DCASE Bird Audio Detection challenge is hotting up! Four teams have now surpassed 80% in preview scores. Can’t wait to find out how their detectors work. Challenge is live until the end of the month! #machinelistening #bioacoustics
— Dan Stowell (@mclduk) July 10, 2018
‘Unless we introduce a different business model, we will end up with more of the same. It is time to try a mixed economy in those digital markets whose products are in fact classic public goods, such as search and social media.’
— Justin Pickard (@justinpickard) July 9, 2018
Kurt Cobain on intersectionality (yes, really), and his radical intent to use the entertainment industry as a means to spark revolutionary change.
— Black Socialists of America (@BlackSocialists) July 9, 2018
A lot of apparent stupidity is actually smart people being maliciously lazy. It’s like selective amnesia but for reasoning. You think fewer steps ahead when you suspect you might arrive at a personally inconvenient truth. Motivated non-reasoning. Plausible inferential deniability
— Venkatesh Rao (@vgr) July 9, 2018
Ghosts in the soil.
— Nick Harkaway (@Harkaway) July 9, 2018
Probably the coolest place in London today!
— Silver Road (@Liarennt) July 8, 2018
cee dee @melvinsdotcom cheers
— Farmers Manual (@farmersmanual_) July 9, 2018
At @BrunelMuseum with @blood_music enjoying tunnel drones with @Cafeoto
— 𝒮 𝒲 𝐼 𝑀 (@sarahhammondco) July 8, 2018
@farmersmanual_ here they are on the left. Finger for scale.
Shocked that a webgl program written in scheme can compile itself and run in a static html file that embeds all it’s code, meshes, shaders and textures as base64. The most shocking thing to me is this can be loaded on android browser directly from sdcard without internet access..
— Dave Griffiths (@nebogeo) July 7, 2018
The biggest organism in the world is a mycelium that spreads across 3.8 km (2,384 acres) in Oregon’s Blue Mountains. It’s called Armillaria Mellea, or the honey fungus, and is thought to be over 2,000 years old:
— samim (@samim) July 7, 2018
The most ironic thing about Ayn Rand isn’t that she was on welfare at the end of her life, it’s that she gave a bunch of scared disenfranchised people a role model and an interconnected community on which to depend to help each other soothe their fears and give their lives meanin
— Damien (@Wolven) July 7, 2018
One of my favorite papers ( ) started a line of work that tries to formalize some related intuitions; it turns out some fairly natural market making strategies for binary options are equivalent to online regret minimization. (1/n)
— Nikete (@nikete) July 6, 2018
this is called “dada” and it first emerged in the wake of the first world war out of the belief that a society which could create such a horror had no intrinsic value
— Lindsay (@LindsayPB) July 4, 2018
replace “first world war” with “modern capitalism” and there you go
Enough about beach bodies. I want a forest body, with soft moss where my armpit hair should be. Or a prairie body, emotions a ripple of wind across my golden face. Or a volcano body, leaking vengeance from every fissure. Other landscapes are possible.
— Ryan Vance (@ryanjjvance) July 4, 2018
… the return of Radio Mycelium - Lingzhi operations - in preparation for later actions with the Mycelium Network Society (image courtesy I.V.M)…
— martin howse (@micro_research) July 5, 2018
I am unilaterally declaring today, July 5th, Interdependence Day. Today is a day to celebrate our communities, large and small; the systems that we’ve created for the benefit of everyone; and our common resources and environment. And to commit to making them better.
— Deb Chachra (@debcha) July 5, 2018
Would you like to monetise your social relations? Learn from hostile designs? Take part in (unwitting) data extractions in exchange for public services?@Playbour : Work, Pleasure, Survival is coming to Furtherfield Gallery 14 Jul
— furtherfield (@furtherfield) July 4, 2018
📸: Cassie Thornton
“Will of the people, weaponised” es la mejor definición del populismo que he leído. Y tiene razón: cuando se ejecute el Brexit y todo empiece a derrumbarse, el gobierno tendrá barra libre para arreglar el desastre que pidieron los propios británicos. Shock Doctrine de manual.
— Marta Peirano (@minipetite) July 4, 2018
Every year since 2009 the G7 have committed to phase out fossil fuel subsidies
— Assaad Razzouk (@AssaadRazzouk) July 4, 2018
Instead, they are providing at least $100 billion annually in government support for oil, gas and coal, both at home and abroad in more than 50 countries #climate #scandal
Also I kind of had a head explodey moment when I saw the hours on a restaurant in Tokyo listed as “15:00-25:30” to show they were open until 1:30AM the following day.
— Top Tubes Are Specialist Sport Gear 🧐🖋️☂🌌🚲 (@SpacePootler) July 4, 2018
Since people keep asking for it here is a list of books on anarchism in the global south
— Anarchopac (@anarchopac) July 2, 2018
- Anderson, The Age of Globalization: Anarchists and the Anti-Colonial Imagination
- Crump, Hatta Shuzo and Pure Anarchism in Interwar Japan
- Dirlik, Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution
still frames from my recent video for /DL/MS/ ‘Tides’ - you can watch the whole thing here: #electro #video #processing @TRUSTvienna
— glow ◌◎ (@gl03_) July 4, 2018
Turns out Ireland is the place to go if you like your ruins wild and overgrown…
— Paul 🌹📚 Cooper (@PaulMMCooper) July 3, 2018
Never underestimate who might want access to your research…
— Amber Griffiths (@AmberFirefly) July 3, 2018
Penzance #accesslab signups include marine policy organisations, conservation charities, aquaculture, sail shipping and engineering - all wanting help to access the scientific research the need to do their work.
‘Cyberfeminism is an occult form of warfare. It understands about cyberspace what 'dark forest’ theory understands about the cosmos: all existence is determined by hostility and so the highest form of intelligence lies in occluding one’s coordinates.’
— ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇_▇▇▇▇_▇▇_AI (@qdnoktsqfr) July 3, 2018
.@nebogeo makes the best robots, made for weaving and by weaving.. @ercpenelope
— Alex McLean (@yaxu) July 1, 2018
‘If the invention of general purpose computation and robotics had occurred in a society much earlier—one founded on the woven cosmos, what could it have looked like, and how would it have worked? What might it tell us about different ways of doing things?’
— Justin Pickard (@justinpickard) July 3, 2018
“If it runs Emacs, it’s a computer. Otherwise, it’s a peripheral”
Privacy is about consent, not about hiding.
— Sarah Jamie Lewis (@SarahJamieLewis) July 3, 2018
Diagrams and illustrations from Terrestrial Magnetism & Atmospheric Electricity, Journal of Geophysical Research - American Geophysical Union [1896]
— Paul Prudence (@MrPrudence) July 3, 2018
It’s not actually possible to play for what Doug Rushkoff calls #TeamHuman. Turns out that’s yet another special interest group.
— Venkatesh Rao (@vgr) July 3, 2018
From the archives: Spiders appear to offload cognitive tasks to their webs, making them one of a number of species with a mind that isn’t fully confined within the head.
— Quanta Magazine (@QuantaMagazine) July 3, 2018
Computers reflect the biases and belief systems of the people programming them
— bletchley punk (@alicegoldfuss) July 2, 2018
A Polish environmental group placed a tracker on the back of a stork. The migratory bird traveled to Sudan, where someone found the tracker, removed the sim card, put it in their own phone and racked up hours worth of phone calls #PolishStork
— Isma'il Kushkush (@ikushkush) July 2, 2018
At a wildlife rehab facility I met two crows that said, “caw” in a human accent. They said it like a human reading the word “caw” aloud. The tech shook her head and said, “they’re making fun of us. People say ‘caw’ to them all day, so they’ve started impersonating us.” I <3 crows
— CryptoNaturalist (@CryptoNature) June 30, 2018
Random Forests workshop at #dinacon today, in which marine dinosaurs were de-extincted & bio-engineered to perform large-scale removal of plastics from the ocean and prepare the ground for viable aquaforestry systems. @augmentedeco @HikingHack
— Sjef van Gaalen (@thesjef) July 1, 2018
New Process worked #🙂- scan a rock, merge/mash the 3D scan with a 3D file extracted from a console video game (found on the 3D model resource platform). Im modelling software (#b3d) remove overlap and 3D print the resulting part, finally merge the 3D print with the original …
— M Plummer Fernandez (@M_PF) June 29, 2018