Posts tagged naming things

Some names are neither enigmatic nor absurd themselves but become so in combination with others. In 1907, the butterfly…

taxonomy, naming things, Eucosma bobana


Some names are neither enigmatic nor absurd themselves but become so in combination with others.

In 1907, the butterfly researcher William Dunham Kearfott described a whole series of new species within the genus Eucosma. The genus belongs to the moth family Tortricidaeor leafroller moths, which include codling moths and other fruit pests. Eucosma bobanais one of Kearfott’s names, but only once it’s placed in concert with the other names, which run through nearly all the consonants in the alphabet, does the appeal of his creations manifest itself: bobana, cocana, dodana, fofana, hohana, kokana, lolana, momana, popana, rorana, sosana, totana, vovana, fandana, gandana, handana, kandana, mandana, nandana, randana, sandana, tandana, vandana, wandana, xandana, yandana, zandana, nomana, sonomana, vomonana, womonana, boxeana, canariana, foridana, idahoana,and miscana.

SHAPE NAMES because im bored: Obround. this is a rectangle with two of the edges replaced with semicircles. or i guess two…

tendril perversion, naming things, geometry


SHAPE NAMES because im bored:

Obround. this is a rectangle with two of the edges replaced with semicircles. or i guess two semicircles connected with parallel lines. the 3d version of this is a spherocylinder or a capsule if you’re boring. actually i lied this is called a stadium not an obround but that’s such a terrible name.

Lemniscate. theres a few different equations that make this sort of shape, but basically a general name for a figure 8/infinity type shape.

Octothorpe. A general name for a shape made with 2 sets of 2 parallel lines to make 9 sections. (the eight, comes from how many “ends” of the lines there are. it’s dumb). Also called a pound symbol/hashtag/sharp/tictactoe grid theres too many names for this.

Polyominos. Shapes made with a bunch of squares put together at the edges. goes monomino, domino, tromino, tetromino(these are tetris peices!), pentomino and so on. If made with equlateral triangles, it’s a “Polyiamond”, hexagons are “polyhexes”, with cubes connected at the face, it’s “polycubes”

Annulus. dont make a joke. it’s a circle with a hole. kind of like a 2d version of a torus.

Caternary. A shape that represents a rope or chain effected by gravity, and how it hangs depending on it’s length and the location of its two ends.

Caustic. general name for shapes formed by light hitting a tranmissive or reflective object that is not flat.

Tendril Perversion. That’s right. the name of a helix with this thing happening to it. (the helix goes from spinning one way to another). is called Tendril Perversion. it’s not a shape but more of a “geometric phenomenon” wikipedia said. it was named by charles darwin.

Hosohedron. Basically like slicing a cake. but with spheres. it doesnt refer to the inside. only the surface. it’s like a beach ball.

im out of shapes. post more shapes that are of things that u see a lot but dont know the name of