Obround. this is a rectangle with two of the edges replaced with semicircles. or i guess two semicircles connected with parallel lines. the 3d version of this is a spherocylinder or a capsule if you’re boring. actually i lied this is called a stadium not an obround but that’s such a terrible name.
Lemniscate. theres a few different equations that make this sort of shape, but basically a general name for a figure 8/infinity type shape.
Octothorpe. A general name for a shape made with 2 sets of 2 parallel lines to make 9 sections. (the eight, comes from how many “ends” of the lines there are. it’s dumb). Also called a pound symbol/hashtag/sharp/tictactoe grid theres too many names for this.
Polyominos. Shapes made with a bunch of squares put together at the edges. goes monomino, domino, tromino, tetromino(these are tetris peices!), pentomino and so on. If made with equlateral triangles, it’s a “Polyiamond”, hexagons are “polyhexes”, with cubes connected at the face, it’s “polycubes”
Annulus. dont make a joke. it’s a circle with a hole. kind of like a 2d version of a torus.
Caternary. A shape that represents a rope or chain effected by gravity, and how it hangs depending on it’s length and the location of its two ends.
Caustic. general name for shapes formed by light hitting a tranmissive or reflective object that is not flat.
Tendril Perversion. That’s right. the name of a helix with this thing happening to it. (the helix goes from spinning one way to another). is called Tendril Perversion. it’s not a shape but more of a “geometric phenomenon” wikipedia said. it was named by charles darwin.
Hosohedron. Basically like slicing a cake. but with spheres. it doesnt refer to the inside. only the surface. it’s like a beach ball.
im out of shapes. post more shapes that are of things that u see a lot but dont know the name of