“We don’t have a way to know the subjective experience of an insect,” says Slot, and it’s hard to say if they trip.
““We don’t have a way to know the subjective experience of an insect,” says Slot, and it’s hard to say if they trip.”
““We don’t have a way to know the subjective experience of an insect,” says Slot, and it’s hard to say if they trip.”
“As sites for more-than-human dramas, landscapes are radical tools for decentering human hubris. Landscapes are not backdrops for historical action: they are themselves active. Watching landscapes in formation shows humans joining other living beings in shaping worlds. Matsutake and pine don’t just grow in forests; they make forests. Matsutake forests are gatherings that build and transform landscape”
–Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing. The Mushroom at the End of the World.
201501021 (via http://flic.kr/p/ARaL9d )
20150215 (via http://flic.kr/p/qiMRg4 )