Article published 8:23 AM EDT, Wed August 14, 2024
tl;dr: The server at a restaurant on Disney property assured the couple that certain food items were free of dairy and nut contamination and the woman died of severe anaphylaxis shortly after consuming foods they were repeatedly assured were safe. The epi pen they had did not save her life because the food was absolutely contaminated with what were, for her, deadly allergens. And Disney is trying to corporate capitalist their way out of legal accountability.
It is pretty clear cut that they did, in fact, cause this woman’s death. And her husband is asking for $50k in the wrongful death suit to cover the medical and funerary expenses as well as the mental anguish they caused. A modest $50k, not 50 million. A company worth 156.43 billion dollars is trying to dismiss the suit based on a 5 year old free Disney+ trial instead of giving this man what he’s asking for, a fraction of the amount he deserves.
I hope this makes everyone think twice before visiting the park or bringing their child to the park, especially if you or your loved one has an allergy or disability. Disney will kill you remorselessly, refuse to take accountability and traumatize your loved ones further.
Remember kids, negative press does work. And fuck Disney. Fuck Disney big time.
“We’re doing him this HUGEEEE favor because humanity is SOOOOO IMPORTANT TO US!!!!!” says company who humiliated a widower and tried to dismiss a wrongful death suit based on a 5 year old Disney+ contract
Note: this is not altruism by Disney. This is Disney recognising that their heinous and clearly illegal use of the Disney+ TOS wouldn’t hold up in court, and in fact would likely lead to a sweeping precedent that would ban a lot of predatory TOS practices like this one by big corporations. However, if they ‘waive’ this untested and unclear ‘right’ in this instance then no court gets to tell them to fuck off and ban them from doing it next time. They can keep it as a threat for the next time this sort of thing happens to a plaintiff who doesn’t end up getting international attention and doesn’t have the resources to fight back.
This is a cowardly move by a corporation that knows their bullshit is illegal. This is an admission of guilt.