Posts tagged timothy morton

Ecological awareness just means being aware that things happen on a bewildering variety of scales all at once, and that what…

timothy morton, ecology, ecological awareness, hyperobjects, scale, art, 2018

“Ecological awareness just means being aware that things happen on a bewildering variety of scales all at once, and that what that looks like on one scale is very different on another scale. What looks like a boiling kettle to my human eyes looks very different from an electron’s point of view: suddenly finding that you’ve teleported to a higher orbit isn’t the same as the smooth, chattery-sounding phenomenon we call boiling. And once you become aware of the idea that there are all these extra scales, you begin to notice that some scales are so big or so small (that also includes “long lasting” or “fleeting” too) that all we can mostly do is report and observe—or, if you like, undergo or endure.”

Timothy Morton,Will All Artists Please Come to a White Courtesy Telephone