Posts tagged surprise

How 2014 played havoc with geopolitical predictions

2014, year in review, politics, geopolitics, prediction, predictability, surprise, qz, quartz

It was not the individual events that made 2014 so topsy-turvy: after all, what could top the 1991 Soviet collapse for sheer disruption of the status quo? The year instead was remarkable for the number of big, consequential and utterly unforeseen events—Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the rise of ISIL, the diplomatic breakthrough between the US and Cuba, the emergence of US shale oil and the collapse of oil prices, not to mention a clutch of other economic, business and market events. All in all, it has been evident for months that 2014 was a staggering maelstrom of surprises.–2014-played-havoc-with-geopolitical-predictions-including-ours/