Posts tagged keyboard

"So why are all of these strange references on the Nostromo’s emergency destruct keyboard? Well, according to the Alien…

alien, typography, occult, blavatsky, agaric fly, pranic lift 777, keyboard, interface, UX, UI, HCI

“So why are all of these strange references on the Nostromo’s emergency destruct keyboard? Well, according to the Alien Explorations blog, designer Simon Deering needed some complex-sounding labels for the keyboard at short notice. He was reading The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky, a Russian philosopher and occultist, at the time of filming. Blavatsky’s book attempts to explain the origin and evolution of the universe in terms derived from the Hindu concept of cyclical development. Deering found his inspiration in its pages, and the Nostromo’s odd keyboard was born.”