20150419 (via http://flic.kr/p/s63pwW )
20150419 (via http://flic.kr/p/s63pwW )
20150419 (via http://flic.kr/p/s63pwW )
20150404 (via http://flic.kr/p/s2SvVK )
Programming is complicated. Different programs have different abstraction levels, domains, platforms, longevity, team sizes, etc ad infinitum. There is something fundamentally different between the detailed instructions that goes into, say, computing a checksum and the abstractions when defining the flow of data in any medium-sized system. I think that the divide between coding the details and describing the flow of a program is so large that a programming language could benefit immensely from keeping them conceptually separate. This belief has led me to design a new programming language - Glow - that has this separation at its core.