Posts tagged future design

Imagining Not Just Technology, But the World it Will Live In

Medium, futures, future design, changeist, context, 2017

Foresight is, of course, more than single step. As part of a well-rounded analysis of possible futures, the step of mapping context is critical and why we give it the attention it deserves as part of a broader curriculum. Pairing powerful sensemaking tools with ways of bringing future concepts to life are the core of what Future Design provides. Beyond providing a platform to learn about emerging drivers of change, Future Design can equip students with tools to:

  • Identify possibilities and risks upstream, before an innovation lands,
  • Understand the impacts and connections between issues and innovations,
  • Uncover surprising future issues that point toward challenges in the present; and
  • Futureproof design by anticipating change in different contexts and scenarios.
