Posts tagged fonts

“Font Detectives” Use Their Expertise to Solve High Stakes Cases

crime, fonts, typography, forensics

Detecting fraud via fonts isn’t as sexy as sleuthing art forgery; it often involves tedious measurements with digital calipers, examinations under loupes and microscopes, charts that track the slight differences between two versions of the Times Roman face, or evidence that a particular form of office printer didn’t exist at the document’s dated execution.


TYPOGRAPHY & DYSLEXIA (Bigelow & Holmes)

typography, fonts, type, dyslexia, reading, legiblity

certain kinds of typography do offer potential benefits for dyslexic readers, especially on electronic reading devices like tablets and e-books, but that typeface design in particular has not yet been shown to provide statistically significant benefits in reading speed for dyslexics and has shown only mixed results in reading error reduction.
