Epic Systems makes the dominant electronic health record (EHR) system in America; if you’re a doctor, chances are you are
required to use it, and for every hour a doctor spends with a patient, they have to spend
two hours doing clinically useless bureaucratic data-entry on an Epic EHR.
How could a product so manifestly unfit for purpose be the absolute market leader? Simple: as Robert Kuttner describes in an excellent feature in
The American Prospect, Epic may be a
clinical disaster, but it’s a profit-generating
At the core of Epic’s value proposition is “upcoding,” a form of billing fraud that is beloved of hospital administrators, including the “nonprofit” hospitals that generate vast fortunes that are somehow not characterized as profits. Here’s a particularly egregious form of upcoding: back in 2020, the Poudre Valley Hospital in Ft Collins, CO locked all its doors except the ER entrance. Every patient entering the hospital, including those receiving absolutely routine care, was therefore processed as an “emergency.”
In April 2020, Caitlin Wells Salerno – a pregnant biologist – drove to Poudre Valley with normal labor pains. She walked herself up to obstetrics, declining the offer of a wheelchair, stopping only to snap a cheeky selfie. Nevertheless, the hospital recorded her normal, uncomplicated birth as a Level 5 emergency – comparable to a major heart-attack – and whacked her with a $2755 bill for emergency care:
Upcoding has its origins in the Reagan revolution, when the market-worshipping cultists he’d put in charge of health care created the “Prospective Payment System,” which paid a lump sum for care. The idea was to incentivize hospitals to provide efficient care, since they could keep the difference between whatever they spent getting you better and the set PPS amount that Medicare would reimburse them. Hospitals responded by inventing upcoding: a patient with controlled, long-term coronary disease who showed up with a broken leg would get coded for the coronary condition
and the cast, and the hospital would pocket both lump sums:
The reason hospital administrators love Epic, and pay gigantic sums for systemwide software licenses, is directly connected to the two hours that doctors spent filling in Epic forms for every hour they spend treating patients. Epic collects all that extra information in order to identify potential sources of plausible upcodes, which allows hospitals to bill patients, insurers, and Medicare through the nose for routine care. Epic can automatically recode “diabetes with no complications” from a Hierarchical Condition Category code 19 (worth $894.40) as “diabetes with kidney failure,” code 18 and 136, which gooses the reimbursement to $1273.60.
Epic snitches on doctors to their bosses, giving them a dashboard to track doctors’ compliance with upcoding suggestions. One of Kuttner’s doctor sources says her supervisor contacts her with questions like, “That appointment was a 2. Don’t you think it might be a 3?”
Robert Kuttner is the perfect journalist to unravel the Epic scam. As a journalist who wrote for
The New England Journal of Medicine, he’s got an insider’s knowledge of the health industry, and plenty of sources among health professionals. As he tells it, Epic is a cultlike, insular company that employs 12.500 people in its hometown of Verona, WI.