vegans making honey a bee labour issue is the funniest thing imaginable because like, you picked the one animal that has already…
vegans making honey a bee labour issue is the funniest thing imaginable because like, you picked the one animal that has already unionised
You literally could not exploit bees if you TRIED
“Oh well if you stop the queen leaving the bees are trapped” wrong, bees can and will swarm without a queen. They will also make new queens if they don’t think theirs is good enough
“Bees don’t consent to their honey being taken” wrong, bees are actually more than intelligent enough to know we take the honey. They LET us take the honey if they think what we provide in return (shelter, food, protection) is a fair deal.
“Taking honey starves the bees” WRONG AGAIN! Domestic bees overproduce honey. A beekeeper NEVER takes honey the bees would need because then you piss off the bees, and if you piss off the bees you don’t have any bees. They stockpile honey for the winter, but because domestic colonies do way better than wild ones they stockpile too much. That’s why beekeepers can take out whole frames and then have them filled in no time. Domestic bees actively overproduce because they know humans are going to skim some off the top.
And if they didn’t want humans to take it, beekeeping WOULD NOT work.
To keep bees you have to let them fly free. If they can fly free they can leave. Meaning if they don’t like what you’re doing, they WILL leave.
The whole idea they’re basically slaves to the queen is also not true, they can just make a new queen literally whenever, and if they don’t like her, they kill her.
There is no way for a beekeeper to exploit their bees. The bees are EMPLOYEES.
Employbees, if you will.