Laing: I don’t think one is necessarily sick because one is crazy, but I don’t recommend to people to go crazy or to go on being…
Laing: I don’t think one is necessarily sick because one is crazy, but I don’t recommend to people to go crazy or to go on being crazy. People who are crazy are usually not enjoying it. It’s usually terrifying enough without further social intimidation.People who come our way are often crazy by their own definition, but they don’t think the mental hospitals they have known have helped them out of it. If I were crazy, | wouldn’t want to be near most psychiatric units I know. The people who come to us don’t want to be treated, against their will, because they can’t defend themselves. They want a sanctuary, a refuge. Our treatment is in the way we treat one another. I suppose that’s the big difference between our approach and others. We use the metaphor of “going through" the problem by trying to understand the problem.
High Times: How do they get cured?
Laing: Cured of what?
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