May 4th is not just Star Wars day, it’s also Wildfire Preparedness day! So what better time to finally share my new preparedness poster?
One thing I hear a lot when discussing wildfire preparedness is that people want to protect their most treasured items, so they have them pre-packed to make them easy to grab in the event of an emergency. I’ve always found this kind of sad. Understandable! But sad. You shouldn’t have to hide away the things you love.
Which is where the concept of a preparedness shelf comes in. The idea here is to keep all your evacuation based stuff AND your “save first” items in one spot where they can be displayed instead of hidden away, but still easily grabbed and evacuated.
This has several advantages. For one, you don’t have to hide away the things you love but they will still be easy to access in one central spot. For two, if you are not home at the time of evacuation and someone else is (maybe a partner, or your neighbor, or an older child) and they call you and ask what you want them to grab, you do not have to direct them all over your house, just to one central location.
As always, use your best judgement about the hazards in your area and what works for you.
If you are in the U.S.A. and experiencing disaster related anxiety, call the Disaster Distress Hotline at 1-800-985-5990 for support and resources.
If you would like a print of this poster, you can get the high quality digital file on my website for $3, and discounted rates are available if you would like to purchase the right to make more prints! You can get files of the evacuation prep poster the same way!