learn the mammals with the help of dalle–3! more



learn the mammals with the help of dalle-3!

A group of labeled mammals in a style like 3D modeling. Two dolphins, a lion, and an elephant are correctly spelled and labeled. Other animals are recognizable but mislabeled (a giraffe labeled Mangara and another named Kangroo; A panda labeled Kangaroo, two dolphins labeled Pandaa). There's a raccoon-like creature with a short thick tail labeled Panda. There's an antelope with a thick catlike tail and a single short giraffe horn labeled Danda. An elephant with three short legs is labeled Lona. And some small round rodent with a thick tail (maybe a porcupine without its quills) is labeled Bat.ALT


i also asked for animals in swedish.

chatgpt got the swedish translations right, but then dalle3 took its instructions and got a bit carried away with the umlauts

A bunch of mammals with labels. What stands out to me are the hybrid creatures. There's a black animal with a dog head and a lion body, and another creature with a tiger head on a leopard body. An elephant like creature has short sausage-dog legs and a huge trunk. As the image progresses from top to bottom, the labels have more and more umlauts on them, until by the last line the "Bobra" has an umlaut on the A, the B, and 5 on the O. The "Bar" (which labels a zebra) seems to have six umlauts, although the bottom two are fused to the A.ALT