List of Youtube Documentaries and Video Essays on Tumblr Lore, for anyone wanting to learn or re-live it: Meta The Story of Dash…
List of Youtube Documentaries and Video Essays on Tumblr Lore, for anyone wanting to learn or re-live it:
- The Story of Dash Con
- Tumblr Etiquette Manual
- The Bizarre Story of Cole Sprouse’s Tumblr Experiment
- Cursed Tumblr History (heritage posts)
- Aesthetics of the Tumblr Past
- Life and Story of the Tumblr’s CEO
- The Story of JustGirlyThings
- The Evolution of the Tumblr Girl
- Evolution of the Hipster Trend
- Sherlock: The Story of TJLC (The JohnLock Conspiracy)
- The Supernatural Finale (Destiel Becomes Canon-ish)
- Destiel Is Canon
- Harry Potter: The Story of Snape Wives
- The Onceler Fandom
- Hamilton: The Insane Scandal of Hivliving
- The Tumblr SexyMan Iceberg
The Lies of Tumblr
- Alexandria’s Genesis: The Internet’s Fakest “Disease”
- Hey Peebrain, You Teleport? Tumblr’s Dark Mystery
- Oppa Homeless Style
- Tumblr’s Infamous Fake Stories
- Tumblr Fake Stories Part 2
- Fake Tumblr Posts
- That Time Tumblr Invented A New Greek Goddess
- The Unreality Blogs
- Clown Husbandry
- Goncharov (1973)
Drama& Cores
- The Tumblr Controvery Iceberg
- Color Theory
- The Rise And Fall Of ‘Common White Girl’
- Sonic for Real Justice (strange aeons)
- The Bizarre Tumblr Saga of Sonic For Real Justice (izzzyzzz)
- This Tumblr Blogger had a Child Slave
- Iceberg of Infamous Tumblr Blogs
- Tumblr Adds
- Heterosexual Pride on Tumblr
- Rabies Pride
- Goblin Core
- The Tumblr Needle Cookie Story
- The Story of 'All or Nothing’
- The “Woke” Tumblr RPG that Scammed Thousands of Dollars
- Tumblr’s 80,000 dollar animation scam (Miss Officer and Mr Truffels)