If there was so much discourse over continents I CAN’T WAIT for you to find out about the south-up map
This is what the earth looks like btw
Ok stop answering to this post with “up and down don’t matter in space” cause north and south are not up and down and their orientation doesn’t matter on earth either. This is legit what the earth looks like.
Well somebody has a superiority complex. Go to a shrink or something idk
Just in case you’re feeling important, our planet also looks like this:
“there’s a very good reason we humans tend to draw north up maps” yeah, colonialism and eurocentrism. anyway south up rules
mapposting time post your favorite projections mine is the pierce quincuncial!!!
My favorite map of Earth
Oh I feel like I should be able to fold up the pierce quincuncial into a sort of ball
did someone say fold up into a ball
Waterman is clearly the best except it needs the origami gold lines
@elodieunderglass You might appreciate Jarke van Wijk’s “Unfolding the Earth: Myriahedral Projections” (site, pdf)
I really like these, thank you. Although my first comment was tongue-in-cheek, I like origami and seaming and folding. These are very satisfying.