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The replies on this are hilarious, here’s a small sample:

(Alt text is included in all images in this reply)

party loner meme. the party loner's text says "they don’t know this is the artist who did those animal anatomy humans illustrations"ALT

The illustrator is Satoshi Kawasaki, and this is an example of why it’s very important to give artists credit because if that information had been included then you would discover this penguin wrestling is like…the least weird thing he has gone viral for.

an illustration of a tortoise, the skeleton of a tortoise, and what a human would look like if we had tortoise proportions. the ribs are expanded as a shell analog. this makes the human look like a round fleshy ball with arms sticking up at a weird angle. many viewers find this image weird and unsettlingALT
an illustration of a flamingo, the skeleton of a flamingo, and what a human would look like if we had flamingo proportions. the human is standing on one elongated leg, with its arms tucked like chicken wingsALT
an illustration comparing a penguin skeleton to a human having penguin anatomy. the human is crouched on shortened legs with a very broad chestALT
an illustration of a horse skeleton. next to it, a human is on all fours, balanced on one toe or fingertipALT

I adore this guy. It’s so powerful to be able to provide a succinct visualization of science while unsettling people on such a visceral level. Sciart icon.

Please consider following him on Twitter or buying his book!