The transformation of Teen Vogue into a radical leftist publication is one of the brightest spots in this ridiculous timeline. I am so here for their big think pieces explaining socialist feminism:
And for their timely dunks on the likes of Andrew Cuomo, whose shuck they were onto long before he publicly sided with the violent criminals in uniform that have turned NYC into a battleground.
And now, true to the spirit of lifestyle mags, they’ve got some practical advice for readers: “What to Do If the Police Shoot You With a Rubber Bullet,” by Laura Pitcher.
tldr: Rubber bullets aren’t (just, or always) rubber, and they can kill or maim you. Wear protective clothing. Watch out for collateral injuries as you race to flee the cops who are shooting you for protesting police violence.
Seek medical care, because fractures aren’t always obvious (co-signed - I once stood up and walked for like 15 mins after getting creamed by a drunk on my bike; I didn’t walk without crutches for 6 months afterwards).
If a fragment is lodged in your body (or eye socket, etc), get a doctor to remove it. Don’t try to remove it for yourself.
Look, it’s fucking terrible that Teen Vogue has to explain this stuff to its readers.
But it’s fucking AMAZING that they’re there to explain it.