It was cloudy with a chance of ladybugs on Tuesday evening, according to radar footage from the National Weather Service, which showed a swarm of the colorful beetles heading south through San Bernardino and Riverside counties.
The weather service’s San Diego office posted a series of images on Tuesday night, showing a mass moving southward from San Bernardino County towards the western tip of Riverside County.
The movement, one official said, was a swarm of ladybugs.
“If you look at the satellite for that area, there weren’t a lot of clouds,” said Casey Oswant, a weather service meteorologist in the San Diego office. “This radar return was much larger than what those clouds could’ve been producing.”
Oswant said weather spotters in the San Bernardino area verified that the radar returns were coming from ladybugs rather than clouds. The “swarm,” she said, was not very dense.
Oswant said she was not able to verify where the ladybugs came from or where they were heading. She said, however, she saw the ladybugs moving southward as of Wednesday morning. They were off the radar’s perimeters before noon on Wednesday.