The nth program to be submitted must run in n different languages; specifically, all the languages added in previous programs to be submitted, plus one more. The program must output 1 when run in the first language used in answers to this question, 2 when run in the second language, and so on.
A polyglot program is closely related to a quine relay; where a quine relay is run in one language to produce a program in another, a ployglot program is a single program which can be interpreted as-is in more than one language – often to produce different results.
It begins with a Python 3 program, that prints 1:
To which a program in V (vim) was added, which prints 2, respecting the Python 3′s program:
This works because everything up to the # is ignored by V, and the i following the # is read as insert, inserting the value 2, while # marks a comment in Python 3.
From there, a string of 2D languages are added, which adds alternate program flows to the program, useful in that it’s easier to avoid problematic characters intended for other languages, but adding another complication to keep track of as the program evolves.
Many entries take advantage of symbols that denote comments in one language and not another, like with the Python example above. Others use differences in whether a value is treated as true or false:
In Python 2, ½ is 0, which is a falsy value, which makes Python print 5. In Python 3, ½ is 0.5, which is a truthy value, which makes Python print 1
The great feature of this thread is the detail given by many of the participants in their explanations of how and why their entry works. It is a great intro in how to write a polyglot. Also, it’s still an open contest, meaning there’s time to take part in expanding this monstrosity of code. It officially closes when there are 14 days of inactivity, at which point the second-to-last entry wins (to make sure people don’t intentionally post changes that make their entry imposible to follow).
As of the time of writing, it’s at 191 languages (over 9k of text!), the latest adding PHP, and it looks like this (good luck making sense of it):
<code>#16 "?63(o+?50;+'51;' # #@ " /*"r"{\D-v e-'[fa5.q]PkPPX)\( 9 '#CO"14"^ 92 7 222222222222222222222222 ##*/
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Take Northern Line to Charing Cross
Take Northern Line to Bank
Take District Line to Hammersmith
Take District Line to Upminster
Take District Line to Hammersmith
Take District Line to Upminster
Take District Line to Embankment
Take Bakerloo Line to Embankment
7 UP
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.int 2298589328,898451655,12,178790,1018168591,84934449,12597
#define x(a) #a
#define u8 "38\0 "//"
char*x="24 10 31 1"
"a c #FFC0FF""B c #0000C0""d c #58007B""e c #0C8302"
"h c #E60001""i c #CAFFFF""j c #280000""k c #CA0000""l c #CA007F""n c #330001 ""q c #E60000"
"o c #FF8000""t c #FF00BC""u c #008080"
"A c #0040C0""E c #808000""F c #00C040""G c #008000 ""R c #800000"
"H c #0000AA""I c #00AA00""J c #55FFFF""K c #AAAAAA"
"r c red""g c green""b c blue""c c cyan""m c magenta""y c #FFFF00""x c black""_ c #FFFFFF"
int f(char*a,char*b ){puts(a?"124":sizeof(0,u8)-5?u8"67":*u8""?"37":x(0'0 "'\"")[9]?"75":'??-'&1? "79":"77");}main(){f(x,x=0);}//<*/
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