Shout out for including Arlington VA and Puerto Rico! (images 01 + 02)
From the artist:
Intersections of major roads have been given nicknames like “mixing bowl,” “spaghetti junction,” and “knot”—invoking images of tangled messes (and rightly so), but there’s beauty in the chaos. Applying colors to roads and using connecting roads to blend those colors adds structure and breathes new life in to areas that are often avoided for their complexity. The results resemble everything from dancers to otherworldly creatures.
Interchange Choreography is a collection of complex interchanges of three or more roads. Hundreds of interchanges have been constructed with only two roads that are just as complex or more so than those with three or more. However, colors look more interesting with three or more roads so only those were included. Each line in a diagram was colored and refined manually without the use of code or other automation. Satellite photos of these and many more interchanges are available in the earlier Road Knots project.