The transorbital (If you are unfamiliar with the word ‘transorbital’, its definition is “Crossing through (If you are unfamiliar…

“The transorbital (If you are unfamiliar with the word ‘transorbital’, its definition is “Crossing through (If you are unfamiliar with the word ‘through’, its definition is “In one side and out (If you are unfamiliar with the word ‘out’, its definition is “In a direction away (If you are unfamiliar with the word ‘away’, its definition is “From a particular thing (If you are unfamiliar with the word ‘thing’, its definition is “An entity, an idea, or a quality perceived, known, or thought (If you are unfamiliar with the word ‘thought’, its definition is “Past tense and past participle of think.”) to have its own existence.”) […]”

Definition Book, Sam Coppini (2014)

Made as part ofNaNoGenMo 2014.

It starts as a simple 8-word sentence, but the program randomly chooses words to define for the reader, and keeps defining words until the book is at least 50,000 words long.
