Lucid dream [is] a phenomenon in which the dreamer becomes aware they are dreaming and can potentially control their actions as…

Lucid dream [is] a phenomenon in which the dreamer becomes aware they are dreaming and can potentially control their actions as well as the content and context of the dream. Lucid dreams are generally understood to occur exclusively during REM, the final phase of the sleep cycle that is most closely related to wakefulness and the one generally associated with dreams. Research on the prevalence of lucid dreamers suggests that if you’ve never had a lucid dream, you may be in the minority.


[Studies indicate] that practicing a physical activity during a lucid dream could improve performance in waking life.


The strategy laid out for actively training yourself to lucid dream [in the] 1991 book,Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming … boils down to are identifying discrepancies from reality that can help you realize you are dreaming and, hopefully, gain conscious control of your dream. The first step, therefore, is to spend a few weeks recording your dreams and identifying these themes.

The Atlantic’sTiffanie Wen exploresthe latest research on lucid dreaming. Pair with thisanimated explainer of how it works, then dive deeper with Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. (viaexplore-blog)