How Mechanical Turkers Crowdsourced a Huge Lexicon of Links Between Words and Emotion | MIT Technology Review, via @hugovk


How Mechanical Turkers Crowdsourced a Huge Lexicon of Links Between Words and Emotion | MIT Technology Review, via @hugovk

“Today, Saif Mohammad and Peter Turney at the National Research Council Canada in Ottawa unveil a huge database of words and their associated emotions and polarity, which they have assembled quickly and inexpensively using Amazon’s crowdsourcing Mechanical Turk website. They say this crowdsourcing mechanism makes it possible to increase the size and quality of the database quickly and easily. Most psychologists believe that there are essentially six basic emotions– joy, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise– or at most eight if you include trust and anticipation. So the task of any word-emotion lexicon is to determine how strongly a word is associated with each of these emotions.”