Compact does “English”: hello, i am a program. set “a” to 0. set “b” to 0. please give me a value to put in “a”. please give me…
“Compact does“English”: hello, i am a program. set“a” to 0. set“b” to 0. please give me a value to put in“a”. please give me a value to put in“b”. if“a” is less than or equal to 0 then do as follows. i have to say:“Os valores devem ser positivos”. that’s all, if things go as planned. otherwise, do as follows. if“b” is less than or equal to 0 then do as follows. i have to say:“Os valores devem ser positivos”. that’s all, if things go as planned. otherwise, do as follows. set“d” to 1. if“a” is greater than“b” then do as follows. set“m” to“b”. that’s all, if things go as planned. otherwise, do as follows. set“m” to“a”. and that’s it. set“i” to 2. while“i” is less than or equal to“m” do as follows. if the rest of the division of“a” by“i” is equal to 0 then do as follows. if the rest of the division of“b” by“i” is equal to 0 then do as follows. set“d” to“i”. and that’s it. and that’s it. set“i” to“i” plus 1. alas, the cycle we started by testing whether“i” is less than or equal to“m” ends. this is“d”. and that’s it. and that’s it. we have reached the end of our journey. i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did.”
–David Martins de Matos